Insan and insane. What great difference an alphabet makes. It changes the whole meaning, identity and scenario. The alphabet `E’ when added to an Arabic or Urdu word turns insan (human being) into insane.

It is the addition of `E’in insan which plays the most destructive role. It makes the affected person mad andmost of us crazy and dangerous by turning us into Evil,dEvil and Enemy of humanity and mankind. We have to stay away from the `Evil’ in order to protect ourselves and the blessed identity `INSAN (Human Being).

Through Divine Messages including in original Scrolls, Scriptures, Bible, Torah and Koran,The Almighty God tells us and shows us the ways to keep away and protect ourselves from Evil, dEvil and from becoming Enemy of self, humanity and mankind.

We can NEVER blame The Almighty God for the harm and destruction we cause to ourselves, others and the world by our insanity as a result of worldly lusts and vested interests.

GOOD HUMAN BEINGS: Ever since the world was created, The Almighty God kept sending Good Human Beings (Men of good nature, character and conscience) to help, support and protect the people, particularly the innocent, helpless, exploited and victimized ones.

They all remained dedicated, committed and determined in serving Insaniat (Humanity) in reality and their goal, vision and mission was only to ensure that sanity prevailed so that people could become Good Insan (Good Human Being).by understanding, following and respecting right and rights.

The Mighty Ones (Powers, dictators, aggressors, occupiersand rich and influential ones) usually become INSANE (crazy) and cruel. They start trampling rights and crushing the exploited, helpless, innocent and right ones in order to achieve their vested interests. Their insanity endangers humanity and peace and safety of the whole world. The result is harm and hurt and massive death and destruction. The situation and condition both become horrible and terrible.

Only daring and true leadership comes to the rescue of the people. This is how great leaders are born who sacrifice everything so that people could get freedom and rights. The Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was one such leader who fulfilled the Divine Mission of creation of Pakistan. Every country and community has such leaders and greats.

NELSON MANDELA:One of such Greats was Nelson Mandela---The universally revered former President of South Africa, revolutionary, Nobel Peace Prize winner and iconic leader of the Anti-Apartheid movement. Mandelapassed away at the age of 95 after years of declining health. Hewas widely loved and admired.

Nelson Mandelaspent 27 years in prison for his attempts to overthrow a deeply racist and oppressive South African Government at the beginning of the 1960′s. His Golden Era lasted from July 18, 1918 till December 5, 2013. Hewas born on July 18, 1918, was a South African philanthropist and politician and served as South Africa President from 1994 to 1999.

The passing of such a Good Insan (Human Being), a great man and a true leader is indeed a tremendous loss for the whole world, particularly South Africa. He has taught the world how to struggle, sacrifice and live respectfully. All nations, communities, leaders and people must learn a lesson from his life, tremendous contributions and great achievements. This is how we can pay the best tribute to him.

About the Author: JAVED ZAHEER Read More Articles by JAVED ZAHEER: 63 Articles with 51319 views Proud to be a Pakistani & Canadian. Born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1952. Both parents from Lucknow, UP, India. Still have near and dear ones (Sisters, n.. View More