(Arifa Shahid, Lahore)

Private schools are run and own by non-government entities. These schools are providing high quality of education after paying them huge amount of money in form of fees. They hire teachers who can serve their purposes accurately.
There can be two types of purposes:
• Explicit purpose
• Implicit purpose.

Their "explicit purpose" is to provide people high quality of education which can help them in making professional identity. They help individual to become functional part of society especially in their social class. They develop critical and analytical ability in them through different recreational activities. They are also source of effective learning which can help latter in development of nations-state.

Their "implicit purpose" is most of the time earn profits by investing smaller amount of money in schools. These schools are mostly run and own by business man or politicians.

Mian Amer Mahmood (politicians) is chairman of Punjab Colleges, University of Central Punjab and Allied Schools
Public schools are run and own by government. Governments maintain expenditures of existing schools and develop new schools through citizens paid taxes. Private and public schools explicit purposes are same. But their "implicit purposes" are different such as: one is easy access to education for middle & lower classes people. Second is it able individual after getting education so they can become functional individual of society as well as bring changing in their social class. However, in future these individuals also take part in the development of country.

There is difference between public and private schools such as : one is public schools have huge enrollments of students in one class. Larger numbers of students are taught by one teacher who provides same level and qauality of education. While on the other side, in private schools there is less number of students in one class. Its easy to teach less number of students. Second is quality of education in both schools depending on number of students in classroom as well as on learning environment which is created by teachers .Third point is teaching and learning methodology are different in both schools which include syllabus, courses, recreational activities, physical structures, rewards in schools & future differ.

Mostly in public school learning and teaching methodology is in Urdu language even their course in English where as in private schools learning and teaching methodology is in English language.

Due to two different school system, society face conflicts between "haves" and "haves not". This conflicts and tension is also assume by conflict theorist.

The "haves" are those people who are economically strong and belong to upper/elite class. They will probably go to private schools and foreign universities for their higher studies. These people will get high quality of education & they have access to best.

The" haves not" are those who are not economically strong & belong to lower class. They will become problem in the functioning of society. They will become criminal and want to disturb functioning mechanism of society by breaking laws. But it can be possible lower class can get education through public schools free of cost policies. These policies are made by government. Then, they can be functional individuals of society and move upward in social class by getting education.

Now a day's people are more concern about their children education. Education became more important for every society's survival & development. Therefore, in our society so everyone wants to send their children in best schools but it depends on their economical status whether their children go to public school or private schools. There are also two types of private schools in our society exist such as: one is for middle and upper class & other is for upper/elite class.

In my opinion due to emergence of private schools social class differences is increasing rather decreasing it. Private schools are also reinforcing social stratification mechanism. They are serving aims & purposes of elite class. Elite always want themselves dominant in society.

At that time public schools are the source of restoring and covering this gap by giving people education. It does not matter which class individual belong.

These schools help society in sorting people into occupational categories. Schools help individuals to play their role in society as responsible citizens.

According to report on Pakistan Education Statistics (2010-2011) number of public schools are 72% and number of private schools are 28% in Pakistan.

Arifa Shahid
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