Dust on islam

(shumaila, haripur)

I want to comment on media role in preaching Hinduism. Not only electronic media but also print media is contributing a lot as well. On television every channel is in race of showing more and more foreign stuff especially that of Indian and more precisely Hindu soaps, serials and movies. I often feel really sorry when I watch those soaps, movies, even cartoons, they just seems to be made for preaching their religion. They are so stiff at their religion, that they show their marriages and death ceremonies fully religiously, which our new generation is picking as it is. Print media was considered exempted from spreading foreign culture but I saw an advertisement of efu life’s marriage plan in a famous newspaper,in which scenario of a marriage ceremony was shown. a child was holding a platter containing oil lamps and flowers commonly known as “Arhti ki thali” used by hindus as their religious custom. Print and electronic media is promoting foreign culture especially dressing since long but this new splash of preaching religions other than islam is just ridiculous and miserable because its an issue of spoiling our youth, this world and our “Akhirat”. Our young generation is applying all that what is being shown and taught to them through media. I myself heard children saying “Jay maata ki” and “jay shi krishin” instead of “BISMILLAH” and “ALLAH O AKBAR”. Few ridiculous and shameful experiences are being faced by many of us due to our this irresponsible attitude towards our children’s brought up.Once in a marriage ceremony after “Nikah” at the time of “Rukhsati” a child started screaming that marriage is not done because 7 “Pherry” are not practiced.At another place at time of “jinazah” the grandchild asked who will lit or burn the granny this is what we are feeding to our generation that they are not even familiar to Islamic customs of death and marriage.Why these nations are not called as religious fundamentalist when they are preaching their fake religion in every possible way and we are neglecting our religion to show ourselves moderate. This is not modernization this is just seduction.

This is the foremost responsibility of governmental organization to look over what is going on air in the name of entertainment on media. parents should keep check and balance what our children are watching and should teach them basics of islam.

About the Author: shumaila Read More Articles by shumaila: 2 Articles with 1744 views I am a sensitive person fell every change around me , i like to debate my ideas with others and i wish my country become successful and a true islamic.. View More