Educational system and the terrorism

(Samra Zawar, Lahore)

“read: in the of thy lord who created,
Created man out of a clot of congealed blood.
Read! And thy lord is most beneficent,
He who taught by the pen,
Taught man that which he knew not”
(Alquran xcvi: 1, 5)
These are first verses which were revealed to our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), which shows the importance of education in Islam. But it is shameful condition that the nation and the “Ummah” whose foundation was on the word ”Read” ,is in spite of its independence is still occupying 112th position out of 125 nations in education. And its major problems are terrorism and poverty.

In third world countries like Pakistan, there is poor administration, failed policies, corrupt stakeholders and highly ridiculous rules and regulations in educational system, and its outcomes are extremism and terrorism. This is the reason because of which third world countries and still lagging behind the developed and under developed countries.

According to a report in Pakistan where there is large number of poor population, on average 50 percent of the children have no school to go to, and out of every 100 children between the age of 5 and 9, fifty are out of school and 50 succeed to enter school, 25 drop out from school before completing school primary education and another 15 drop out before completing secondary education. Out of 10 passing out from secondary education one or two enter in higher education. This situation varies in different areas of Pakistan like KPK, FATA, and also along the border of Afghanistan. In tribal areas, Malakand divisions where 3.3 million children do the child labor and rest of the children about 3.1 million are in the trap of DENI MADRASSAS. In those areas the literacy rate is said to be 3 percent in females and about 24 percent in men. Most of the children in that division are remain illiterate or their minds are highly trained according to the “Deni Madrrasas” purposes. These children belong to the poor families and usually become the criminals, beggars, drug addicts, and trained for any destructive activity against country and Islam.

Lot of religious, political and the foreign forces recognized the importance of religious education during eighties when there was war between the capitalist and communists in Afghanistan. After 9/11 Afghanistan was in state of war and also unstable because of US attacks then they started to destabilize the solidarity of Pakistan and get the control over the nuclear power to strengthen themselves so they stated to establish the Islamic institutions in these tribal areas in which people are less literate, poor and have no true sense of Islam and solidarity of Pakistan. These religious institutes are funded by different countries like Saudia Arabia and other countries which want to bread the religious extremism for their political purpose.

Children who fall in trap of these DENI MADRASAS are usually poor and family neglected and suffers from the depression and ill mind nature. Deni madrasa trained them for every activity which is against the solidarity of Pakistan and they struck in the criminal activities like suicide bombing in markets, mosques, schools and business institutions which they think that is against their brand of Islam which is very dangerous situation for Islam and peace of this continent. Enemies of Islam and Pakistan highly support these institutions by arms, trainings, funding and every possible help. So the major problems for the Pakistan are terrorism and its roots are the poverty, low literacy rate, unequal educational system and misconceptions about Islam.

Solution for this problem is also education. In our education system students are struck into the conventional educational system. Their analytical, creative, observation, thinking abilities are bounded by the educational system. We have to accelerate and channelize the student’s mind in constructive way. Educational facilities and opportunities all around the Pakistan must be equal, and primary and secondary education must be compulsory for every child and that should be free for every child like other countries.

Deni Madrassas must realize their responsibility to give real Islamic education instead of extremism. Science subjects must be taught in these Madrassas to provide the latest knowledge about world so that the children in Madrasas may compete the other students and also get the better job opportunities for their life.

Syllabus taught in these Madrassas must be authentic and approved from the authentic Islamic scholars, there must be no such stuff that may spoil the mind of students. Every Madrassa must be registered with full facilities for students and the staff.

Government of Pakistan must pay attention toward the education for girls, because an educated woman can raise the educated family and educated nation. Government must build schools, universities, colleges and technical institutes all over the Pakistan.

There must be eradication of poverty. People are compelled to drop out their children from schools because of poverty. If government establishes the factories and high industries then people have job opportunities then the poverty level may lesser then this economic condition for people and our country.

At the same time government of Pakistan must change its priorities in policies and implement of policies to promote quality universal education. Educational institute must be free from every corrupt person.

Free education and also good education is the only solution of terrorism in Pakistan which can cut out the roots of extremism, intolerance, terrorism, crime and every addition in children and also the young generation. Not the GUNS, but the quality education has the answer of every problem which we are facing in our country.

Samra Zawar
About the Author: Samra Zawar Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.