Might is always Right

(Syed Musarrat Ali, Karachi)

The article is an extract from my Book "In search of lost Humanity":
It is understandable that when a mortal Skeleton weaker than an immortal Soul becomes helpless, it needs someone / something to help it out of the depression of negativity and that leads him to anything more powerful than itself whereas its Soul was in need of purification to uplift its power to overcome the negative forces. That someone / something were mysterious forces of nature like sun, sea and wind etc. As the knowledge and experience prevailed it realized that these powers can’t help it out plus the evolutionary process led him to a greater confusion of different ideologies and religions preached by different influential scientists, research scholars, ideology leaders and prophets. The main reason of this confusion was that it did not utilize its soul which could have guided it properly.

Not only human is afraid of an unknown power but also from each other because all creatures do not only have natural instinct of physical territorial control but also wishes to have mental power supremacy on others. Hence if a weaker creature has better thought process, he / she cannot express openly due to fear of other mighty creatures. Among all the creatures Human is the only creature which utilizes the principle of “Might is Right” in the best manner as he is “The Magnificent Creature”. Might constitute three major elements:
a) Physical strength.
b) Mental strength.
c) Financial strength.

Any creature who possesses all the above three power will be the most powerful in any era that is why humans who were whole sole powerful used to become self made Gods and used to rule the world like so called Creator of the universe. The weaker ones were compelled to bow down their heads in their feet because they had no other option to live slightly peaceful. This phenomenon is still continuing in a refined shape and will continue till Dooms Day.

It is understandable that the mysterious forces of nature were also at first personalized into gods and goddesses. When one speaks to the wind, or persuades the heavens for rain or for sun, one must speak to a visualized existence. Once committed to a pantheon of gods and goddesses, it seems reasonable that a single great one should emerge - if for no other reason that the natural human urge to one-upmanship. The process, then, of mediating the mysterious, first through a recognition of spirit-presence; then through a pantheon of nature-beings; and finally with one all-powerful, all-holy God, is an understandable progression.

But when we arrive at that ONE, we have discovered for ourselves something no longer a part of nature, not even speaking for nature, but something radically beyond and superior to nature. We have discovered a Creator. Modeled not on Earth, whose waters and soils nourish and supply us with the resources of life; not on the sun, whose unfailing energy quickens and vitalizes all that is alive for us; but on Ourselves! We have deified the most heretical graven image of all: the human being. The consequences of this self-idolatry are not easy to measure. Not because they are in any sense hidden or difficult, but that their sheer immensity (like the ocean) makes them nearly invisible. We quite literally swim in a life-fabric (or a death-fabric) - grown from this presumption to godliness. It would not stretch the point to say that everything deadly to life on this planet owes its origin to the workings of this assumed identity between God and human.

I am not a historian but during my life span I have experienced myself that my parents suffered the miseries of so called freedom for themselves. This was 1947 when they were freed from mightier than them “The British Rule” in sub-continent after almost 100 years. I mentioned here about my parents as I am directly sufferer of this historical event otherwise historians write this event as freedom of Hindus and Muslims from the Colonialism. There are always two side of a coin; the one which is upward is mightier than the one which is downward. As per this natural law Colonial Power was mightier than the locals so it ruled, took away all the natural resources and left the empty land free for weaker locals. Nothing is wrong in it as this is the right according to “Might is always right”.

Another important event in my life span is freedom of South Africa from Colonialism. Nelson Mandela was captive for 27 years till all the natural resources of that land were sucked out and then he was made President of the same land. This again is also not unjust according to said rule. The same process is going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan since last two decades. This is not only me who understands this phenomenon but almost all the ruling class of the world is very well aware but for the sake of their own interests they do not disclose to general public and make them poor and poor to facilitate their rule’s tenure as long as they can. In short I will refer history of longest period Crown’s Treasury office land was owned by a notorious businessman. Having said that these all events must not be taken in to negative account because Might is always right based on the principle of “Right”. In other words I believe in “First Deserve and then Desire” and after being a deserving case justifies the desire to be fulfilled as simple as that.

The Creator being Almighty deserve to desire anything he wants as he has created the whole Universe and all the contents of it, he can make any law, rather a complete constitution to run the whole system and can amend any law according to his own wish. He is not subordinate to anyone and is totally independent, hence “Almighty is always Right”. Now any of his representatives who are mightier than other will also be a deserving case to desire anything and can achieve his goal if he is capable of doing so. Human being is the only creature who deserve to rule all other creatures as he is mightier in two factors out of required three i.e. he is most intelligent and wealthy than other creatures but not more strong than most of the creatures and further any human who have more points the other human to prove himself more powerful than he has the right to rule him. All individuals have the fraction of Creature’s Soul, hence can write their own constitution according to their will and if satisfied internally then they will be strong enough to face the consequences what so ever may be.

When a person becomes so mighty and powerful that he starts feeling himself Almighty then a state of illusion perpetuates in him and he suffers from a mode of denial. The denial mode is a mirage which looks like as if he is independent and can rule the Universe. This state of mind makes him feel as if there is no other power to stop him to desire any damn thing and that he will always be a deserving case and he starts denying the existence of Creator till a stage comes when any two powers out of three decrease to a limit to make him realize a helpless state then he enters in the reality once again. Another state is also a false denial mode due to mutiny. There are so many factors to bring someone towards disobedience but the major factor is a condition of “Have Not” to the extreme limits and to an intolerable time factor.

Therefore it is established that both the extremes are the basis of state of denial of the reality and while suffering this state of mind one cannot behave normally hence causes problems for the system, resultantly de-stabilizing the surroundings. Consequently the law of nature or Creator (Almighty) comes into effect either to erase the whole system or do some correction if it is within certain limits already fixed by The Creator according to his constitution. If we recall the history whose remains are still visible and exist at many places of this planet Earth (Miraculous remains of the history existing on earth) like great pyramids of Egypt, The Nazca Lines, Location of Atlantis, The “ever-ominous” Mayan Calendar, The Spirit Cave Mummy, Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon, Mu or Lemuria, Voyages to the Americas, Sunken City off of Cuba, Japan’s Underwater Ruins, The Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek Lebanon, has a foundation that contains the three largest stone blocks ever used in a man-made structure, On an isolated plateau at Tiahuanaco Bolivia, 13,000 feet above sea level, stands an impressive monument called Puerta del Sol, or Sun Gate, Nan Madol, sometimes called "the Machu Pichu of the Pacific," is a great ruins on the island of Pohnpei, capitol of the Federated States of Micronesia. This lost city, constructed around 200 B.C., is made up of hundreds of stacked stone logs, each about 18-feet-long and several feet in diameter are all erased signs of much more powerful and mighty civilizations through which humans of that era wanted to influence their governed humans by showing all the three factors of Might. History books are wonderful windows into the human past but beware, they can also be misleading. On the whole, historians do a remarkable job of piecing together what happened long ago but they too make mistakes and quite often these mistakes are deliberate. It has always been the powerful, the winners and the secure that have the luxury of telling people what happened. You can be sure that in most cases the story they tell makes them look good and fits with their ideological beliefs. British history recalls how in 1558 a small but determined English naval fleet beat off the powerful and evil Spanish Armada. Spanish history books tell a different story. They tell how the evil British that had renounced the one true Christ and his servant the Pope survived only because of an accident of the weather. There are always two sides to a story. Another important point about historians is that they like things to fit.

I would like to put up a very important point after describing both the sides of a canvas that whatever the history may tell us, might is right as it deserves and it shows it off by huge symbols of its dynasty as a proof to be remembered in the history, but system is destabilized by snatching the rights of weaker ones and unfortunately history shows further cruelty by not mentioning this side of the picture. Exceptions of historians has recorded that the labour who built the Great Pyramids were buried under the same monuments and the hands of labour who built Taj Mahal were chopped off after completing the construction of Taj Mahal whereas they should have been rewarded according to their rights which they deserved. The most distressing factor for “Have Not” is that all the ideologies, religions and scholars do point out and preach this lesson but no one tells how to implement the justice except threatening by “Day of Judgment”. I have already discussed this phenomenon in previous chapter and repeat that all the myths are just symbolic as we can make this life Heaven or Hell by stabilizing / destabilizing the system.

There are always two sides to a story. Another important point about historians is that they like things to fit. Who can blame them? When information is presented that disrupts the perfectly recorded story it’s a real problem. The other side of the story of Power Symbols is the myth of creating a more powerful element other than humans to get support of self created creature like ghosts, some heavenly creature and other invisible phenomena other than humans who created or constructed these monuments, for further endorsement of angels, day of judgment and then finally of Heaven and Hell. This is another technique to enforce their own influence to rule the weaker class because even with joint efforts of scientists, research scholar and latest technology the methodology of construction is still not known. To provide a cover-up these myths are fabricated which helps in different kinds of ideological and religious beliefs to make oneself the most influential. But here I would once more put an emphasis on the definition of Creator who definitely can do anything anytime and there is no need of creating so many myths.

Syed Musarrat Ali
About the Author: Syed Musarrat Ali Read More Articles by Syed Musarrat Ali: 234 Articles with 179756 views Basically Aeronautical Engineer and retired after 41 years as Senior Instructor Management Training PIA. Presently Consulting Editor Pakistan Times Ma.. View More