National Frontiers Disappear


It depends on you. if you say, i am Hindu and you are Muslim,or the muslim says , i am Muslim and you are hindu,catholic,protestant,Buddhist, communist ,socialist - that you are patrioltic, we are the greatest,all that stuff. so as long as you worship the flag. you are nationalist, patriotic,as long as there are..racial,national,religious differences ,there will be wars and there will be no end to frontiers. you are following people, your leaders,saints,gurus,teachers ,so that you have lost all sense of your own clarity, because you are not a light unto yourself. you are the lights of somebody else, perhaps who is dead and gone. so, you have to find out how to live a different kind of life, and you wil, if you are educated properly, if you are acquained with all things of life.

To be a democrat you must think for yourself, not be persuaded by propaganda, by any leader or guru only then can you call yourself a true democrat. you must have right education,not just technical education. be a total humanbeing, intellectually capable to reason clearly , precisely, without any personal projection in thinking. if you are a democrat in that sense, then you will create the right administration, not for india but for the whole world. there must be universal planning and only a true democrat can do such things for heloves people, not a system.

First understand what we mean by wold, by destruction the world is where you live isn't it? school. boarding house, playfield , your friends,family then the relationship of that family to other families and the relationship of ht emany families to the state, the country to other countries and so on andon, like ripples when you drop a pebble in alake. that is what we call the's much more complex . but simple. leave it at that for the moment. what do we mean by that word destruction? war, killing each other is a very expensive business.

So war destroys not only the country. people land, trees and human beings but it also destroys the economy. people become more violet,more destructive ,more vicious - there is anger.

So when we talk about destruction, it means not only outward things like trees aeroplanes, men ,but also inwardly it destroys you. so can that be saved? when you create hate greed,envy ,ambition ,all that is also destuction. the world can be saved from destuction only by you. how you think,feel,live on the playing field, in your boarding house, the way you eat, the way you talk, whether you are greedy, enviouse and all that , and extend it. then only envious and all that and extend it. then only it is possible. it starts from a little pebble.

There fore education matters immensely ,not what you are taught ,not from books, though that matter, mathematuics ,geography , history and all the rest of it, but waht matter much more is what you are , how you behave what you think , whther youare nationalistic, whether you say well , bihar , my county,my language , my little courtyard .If you think in those terms you are destroying the world.

About the Author: JUMBULA RAMADEVI DEVI Read More Articles by JUMBULA RAMADEVI DEVI: 11 Articles with 9973 views my name is ramadevi, iam from india ,hyderabad. my qualification iam married hobbied playing quiz and games , reading books.. View More