“History will have to record
that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the
strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of good people”
_Martin Luther King
Devilishness is spreading, but we are silent,
Extremism is flourishing, but we are silent,
There is an encroachment of human rights, but we are silent,
There is the declension of moral ethics and value, but we are silent,
Deterioration of morality, but we are silent,
Why we prefer to remain silent than to speak out against evil? Why are we scared
to confront the indecency? Why our society has become so materialistic? Why our
societal values are continuing to decline? Why we value the things over human
beings? Why we bound in a spiral of silence? What is the reality behind that?
If we find the answers to these questions, we get to know that there are many
reasons behind that. The first thing people are highly dependent on one another;
their mind setup is bounds socially, morally and ethically. When they see the
evilness (envy, jealously, self-cent redness, materialism, lies, abuse,
backbiting, social disorder, etc.) around them constantly and tenaciously and
notice that majority of people is habituated by the evilness and even nobody
speaks out against these injustices, then it leads to them a perception building
that these immoral things and wickedness are actually the part of life, and then
time to time their perceptual experiences give them strength to their
perceptions and beliefs. Finally a stage comes when they desensitized and even
not give any attention to immorality, social injustices and evilness found in
society. Screaming of people doesn't effect on them; they don’t bother worthless
acts of bad people. They become a self-centered person; don't admonish on
evilness or not even think about them. Collectively then it leads to the social
and moral decline of ethics, codes or values of society.
Second thing which does not allow people to speak against evil is the fear.
People fear from everything; fear to be weird if they speak in public, fear of
loneliness. They become frightened to be snubbed by everyone or deterred by
others. Fear of failure, shyness and lack of confidence lead them not to
disseminate against bad things. They are very scared of doing something against
the waves as per they think that if they will do against the accepted evilness
of society they will become alone, no one going to answer them.
Fear of loneliness overwhelmed with them so they chose the way of salience than
to speak against the evilness. Therefore, they do not speak out.
They want to follow that path which majority follows; they want to impress each
other and finally mold themselves according to the values of society. They
accept the evils as the essentials of life. At this stage, silence of good
people is worse than the actions of bad people. We have to speak as a good one,
we have to stand up, and this is the Hadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
“Whoever amongst you sees everything objectionable, let him change it with his
hand, if he not able, then with his tongue, and if he is not even able to do so,
then with his heart, and the latter is the weakest form of faith”.
Take the first step in faith. We don't have to see the whole staircase. For our
moral growth, we have to speak out if the rights are abducted. We have to create
a community of politically, socially aware citizens, who stand up and raise
their voice. We must have a strong belief that if we do an unethical thing for
the worldly fame, money, status or anything and if we gain it through evilness;
we are not winner, but actually in reality we are the loser, only it’s just the
matter of time.