Ghost Schools in Tahsil Tribal Area of Dgkhan

(Muhammad Junaid Malik, Dera Ghazi Khan)

The Tribal area in dg khan is spread our 4000 sq.KM.The Number of Schools is this area is 106.The enrollment of Students in these Schools is above seven thousand and two hundred. But because of non-availability of academic facilities, schools are presenting a deserted look. There is no drinking Water and electricity in these schools. All the schools lack in proper furniture including desks, chairs, and tables. These schools are situated away from human settlements. There for the children have to go a long way to reach the schools. They have to go on foot to the schools facing harsh weather conditions. Most of the teachers are absent from schools and do their personal job. However they are getting the salaries and other benefits regularly. Most of the schools remain permanently closed. Do the children of tribal area have no right to get education. Are they destined to remain uneducated for whole of the life.

It is certainly a question mark for the Punjab govt and the Punjab education department.

Muhammad Junaid Malik
About the Author: Muhammad Junaid Malik Read More Articles by Muhammad Junaid Malik: 2 Articles with 2026 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.