(anam harmain, islamabad)

I am not going to tell you about the valour and the bravery of our soldiers at all on 6th September 1965, because I know very well that all of you very well-aware about their matchless ,allegorical and selfless efforts. What they have done we can’t even imagine that spirit ,that zeal ,that patriotism ….

So coming to the point that, a country which we have got after so many sacrifices ,so many efforts not only until we got it but after getting it after , in different phase of time time examine us again and again ,and we always proved that we are such a nation who stand united in each and every movement of trail. But , dear friends! What’s wrong with us now? In which aggravation ,dis-relished, fanatic and agonized circumstances when our country needs us more , demands our blood, seek for our unity , search for our ancillary , we have turn our eyes from it. Instead to alleviate the disruption , instead to demolish the domineer and flippant , we are worried about our future , about our career. Although it is quite natural for every human being to think so, but have you ever thought that future and career is belonged to this country whom you are not ready to give anything but you ever just demand from it.

If we keenly observe the current situation of Pakistan , then it is quiet evident that we are in the condition of war now.there are many internal and external dangers have occupied us. Media for the sake to make people fascinate to their broadcasting and channel as well ,exaggerate the unauthentic news ,an organized and authoritative Mafia in Karachi ,extort money from the dealers ,our politicians in the lieu to use subsequent , ductile and downright language always give their statements in flippant ,dissembled and erupt way ,our economy in foreign market is falling with every passage of a minute , the situation of peace agonizes the mass of Pakistan every second and gives them a forever ailment ,judiciary and govt intercept in each other’s way , blood is shedding like its worth costs nothing .is it not the situation of war,that we have to defend now?Do we have not to stand united for the betterment and welfare of our country?yeah! we should and we will INSHAALLAH…..if our country needs our blood we will not hesitate to to shed it and we will fight until we have the single drop of blood in our body . Remember friends! You are not born winners, nor you are born losers , but can be loser or winner by yourselves its your own choice . history and the whole universe is the eye witness of our valorous and bravery .but wait!got one thing !we “WERE” brave and we “ARE” brave ….and we mean it…….

anam harmain
About the Author: anam harmain Read More Articles by anam harmain: 3 Articles with 2042 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.