Improve your stamina
(abdullah yamin, faisalabad)
how to improve stamina
"Stamina" is the strength and energy needed to exert oneself for an extended
period of time. The word most commonly refers to the exertion needed for
physical activities like exercise and sports. However, "stamina" can also refer
to the mental exertion needed to perform a task or get through a difficult
situation. Improving either type of stamina (or both!) is a great choice if
you're interested in living and feeling healthier.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Food is the fuel your body gets its energy from.
Try to eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet that includes plenty of fruits,
vegetables and lean meats.
Stay hydrated. The health benefits of drinking lots of water are numerous .
Water can also increase stamina by fighting muscle fatigue.
Get plenty of physical exercise. Though it will tire you out in the short term,
physical exercise increases your overall energy level and stamina over a long
period of time.
Choose physical activities that you love. It's easier to push yourself
physically, improving your stamina, when you're doing something you genuinely
enjoy, rather than something you dread. like swimming and biking and running .
Involve others in your activity. If you find that you're not able to achieve the
stamina level you'd like on your own, consider doing your physical activity of
choice in the company of friends.
Get plenty of rest. A good night's rest should leave you refreshed, energized,
and focused, ensuring that you'll be able to physically give your all.