What is LOVE?
(Shama Nighat, Rawalpindi)
A crush infatuation and the
real thing sometime in Love the mind tricks the heart into believing what may be
little more than an illusion to find out if you are truly in love take the Real
love does not happen all of a sudden. When people say, "We fell in love the
moment we met" they actually mean that each corresponded to a certain ideal
image held by the other. Most If you love a person more when you are with him,
chances are that your judgment is being influenced by the charm and excitement
of his presence. When he is not around to dazzle you, some doubts emerge .If you
feel this way, indications are the love feel this way, indication are the love
is superficial.
An unhappy home life can trick you into thinking you're in love. The files of
marriage counselors are filled with cases of younger people who "fell in love"
and married when all they really wanted was to escape from pressures they
considered unbearable for example a young girl who is constantly battling with
her parents sees her loved one as the rescuing knight in shining armor who will
"take her away from all this" She isn't is love she just wants out.
Love cannot always perch on Cloud Nine: it must be practical too Two of the most
crucial elements in a marriage experts point out are money and children. Young
people seriously in love must Know each other's views on these topics. If a
chances are the romance hasn't reached the real love stage.
Love does not make lovers ill at ease. When the way you impress the other person
is the dominant concern in a relationship, real love is still distant. When you
know you are loved for what are, you Love is a Private bond between two people
.Authorities agree it cannot be real if one party permits intimate details of a
relationship to be made public. It may be a bit of prestige in the group but
hardly love.