Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a Guiding Star for all Mankind

(Mushtaq Ahmad Kharal, Jatoi)

God almighty sent his messengers for mankind to lead them towards a better life and to prevent them from evil ways of life. All prophets of God struggled hard for the improvement of their people. They faced a series of troubles and did not leave their preaching. The last prophet of God Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is a gift and blessing of God for the mankind. All his life is a paragon of nobility and sincerity. He is an excellent model of modesty.

We can get lead and guide almost in every field of life from the holy life of holy prophet. He set a lot of examples for our motivation. He proved himself as a perfect husband, perfect father and perfect father –in –law. Each end every moment of his life is a guiding star for us. He did not even abuse to his worst enemies. He prayed even for that woman who threw dust on him. He even forgave those people who tortured him in different ways in life.

Even today, in the world of science and technology, the life of holy prophet (PBUH) can lead us to the glory. His main teaching was education for both male and female. We can still get our lost status and grandeur by return to the read education. The sayings of holy prophet can take us to the height of success. He was an excellent doctor and a matchless scientist. Even today the modern medical science is following his advices in matter of health. The great scientists of the Europe are studying the Quran and the life of our prophet. Now they accept that the sayings of holy prophet fourteen centuries ago are still valid and will remain valid till the end of this universe.

Whether we are a teacher or a businessman or a doctor or an engineer, the life set up of holy prophet can give us hints for practical and successful life. His teaching and his preaching are beyond space and time. His message is not limited for any one generation or for any specific time. His message is universal and for all mankind and till the day of judgement.

Unfortunately, we Muslims discarded the Shariah and left the ways of life of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). That is why? We are backward in every field of life. We are being crushed by the west. Islam is being blamed for the present terrorism. The fact is that Islam has given us the principles of Jahad. There is a great difference between terrorism and Jahad. Suicide bombing and killing of innocent people particularly children is not allowed in Islam. Our holy prophet never allowed anyone to kill any other person. According to him “The murder of one man is the murder of whole universe”. We should follow each and every aspect of the life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

Mushtaq Ahmad kharal
About the Author: Mushtaq Ahmad kharal Read More Articles by Mushtaq Ahmad kharal: 58 Articles with 107981 views Director princeton Group of Colleges Jatoi Distt. M.Garh and a columnist.. View More