Our Educational System Is Ill

(Mumtaz NASH, Sukkur)

“Education is the weapon which you can use to change the world.” Bob Talbert.

The importance of education cannot be denied. Man had been worse than an animal, if there would have been no education. It is education which teaches man to differentiate between right and wrong. Man is blind without education. It is the only secret behind the development of nations in the world. It makes man able to think, observe and to do what he wants. It means education is the most important thing for man to achieve.

To get education is the basic right of everyone but in Pakistan it is somewhat different than the reality. The Pakistanis have been suffering from various educational problems as: copy culture, low enrollment, insufficient funds, incapable teachers, poor management in the institutions, lack of standard and practical education, old syllabus, political interference, excess of private academies etc.

Copy culture plays an important role to push the educational system backward. It is a major cause of education’s failure. It has lagged behind the standard of education. Copy culture is commonly found in most of the institutions. Especially in Sindh province it has become a menace for those who depend upon hardworking up to the hilt. Resultantly, the hard workers are deprived of their rights and feel disappointment.

Pakistan has a high rate of low enrolment. There are many children who don’t go to schools. They have no interest in studies. Its main reason can be poverty because many poor parents send their children to earn money instead of getting education.

Lack of proper educational facilities in our schools and colleges is one of the most important reasons for the educational backwardness in Pakistan. The students are taught only the theory; there is no practical approach. Thousands of primary schools have completely destroyed buildings. The labs have no latest facilities. The schools and colleges have libraries but poorly arranged. The funds which are allocated for the educational system are not utilized in accordance with the needs of students and institutions.

Besides, there are many primary and secondary teachers who are not capable of teaching. They have been selected on political basis rather than their own merit. Such teachers can lead the educational system towards darkness instead of awareness. In few, they are destroying the bright future of the students.

Lack of the latest information in the syllabus is another valuable reason of our failure. Our students are taught a very old syllabus. The authorities have been publishing the same course for the secondary and intermediate classes almost for 50 years. Sadly, the course which has been studied by our parents and teachers same is being taught to us and no chance of its changing still seems.

Interference of politics in the educational system causes rise in crimes and other anti-social activities. On account of politics, the students give up their studies and they join the political party whom they like most. Under such conditions, the students not only stop thinking about their future but also they forget the respect and value of their teachers and parents.

Above all, the problem which is on increase is the frequent opening of various coaching academies in every second street of every city. It is good to run such academies in order to teach the students something special and advanced but here it is different than that. Most of our teachers pay proper attention towards their students and are seen busy in teaching at their private centers /academies but the same seem busy in conversation with one another at schools and colleges. Such teachers have made education and teaching a source of filling up their pockets. It is shocking that many retired teachers are seen at teaching there. If we look around us, we will find many coaching academies which are being run only for this job. I don’t want to say that all the academies or centers have been opened for this purpose. Obviously, there are a few academies which are doing good work and they are well-managed.

However, it is high time the government thought about to improve the educational system of Pakistan. In this regard, first of all the copy culture should be ended. In addition, selection of teachers should be done on merit basis. The authorities concerned should introduce a new syllabus and make education compulsory for all. Political parties should not interfere in education and the students must be kept away from politics. The funds should be used to fulfill the requirements of education. Also the teachers are requested to be sincere to their profession at academies as well as at schools and colleges. Teaching is a nice profession therefore it should be free from all the illegal purposes. It is teachers’ right to receive their complete fees but it is also their duty to pay proper attention toward the students Hence, we can not only improve our educational system but also can take the country to the Heavens.

Mumtaz NASH
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