Position of women in Islam

(Aimen Fatima, Karachi)

It was only after the advent of Islam that womens are given such respect.Islam raised the rights of womens equal with man.

Before the advent of Islam womens were recognised as the sign of humilation.People felt shameful when a baby girl wasrn in their home,in this regard theHoly Quran says"When news was brought to themof the birth of a female child his face darkens and is filled with inward grief!with shame he hides him self from his people because of the bad news he had have".Female infanticides was common,womens were humilated and were treated as slaves.They useto have a custom that a man can marry as many wives he can afford and after his death his son will inherit his wives.In this regard Holy Quran says"And not marry the womens whom your father married-except what is past.This is shameful and odious-an abmoinable custom indeed".Women as a daughter is given rights by Islam to acquire knowledge,In this regard Holy Quran says"To acquire k nowledge is the duty of every Muslim male and female".They have full freedom in islam for defending themselves if they are being harmed and they have full rights to make their decisions by their own will.Women as a wife is also highly respectable,Allah created women from your side to be equal,they were not created below you to not to be respected and not above you to be superior.

Women as a mother is highly honourable because of th hardships she undergo to give birth to the child.Once a person came to Prophet and asked him"who deserves good treatment from me Prophet Muhammad replied your mother and when the fourth time he asked Prophet replied your father.

Islam respects the rights of women and grants them a stature of honour and dignity in the society.Daughters are the blessing of Allah and Prophet Muhammad said"If any one cares for three daughters,disciplines them ,marries themand does good to them,he will go to paradise".

Aimen Fatima
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