The last laugh

(Muhammad Affan Ahmed, Multan)

He was a decent, naive looking but simple boy newly admitted to the High school. He was quite simple and was unaware of the fashion and other ostentatious stuff of those days. When he first stepped in the School, he seemed to be a fish out of water. Everyone gazed at him as one does at the animals in the zoo. It was because they were quite fashionable, materialistic and mundane by nature. They were quite proud of their belongings and used to boast off, pomp and show off at a spoiling extent just to dominate over others. But that boy was quite simple and pleasant. That was the reason why they considered him inferior. Everybody mocked him off wherever he passed and ridiculed him in his absence & presence as well. There was also a big wretched guy who was a notorious troublemaker of whole School. When he came to know of that boy, he did the same as he used to do to others, 'bullying'. He even consumed his time for planning against that boy. Everyone kept overwhelming that boy by their rude comments. Taking illegal advantage of his good nature, they mocked him, teased him and did everything bitter which can cause one to cry. But still that smile on his face never vanished. He was quite aloof and indifferent of what they say, what they do or how they act. He was bearing all those troubles with great ease without complaining and depicted his open-heartedness every moment. Compromised, forgave and let everything go, that was all he did. He never even frowned. That boy was at the climax of the spiritualism and calmness and was just the opposite of the others. He was called a weak thing but he, in fact was the strongest of all those.

The boy had passed six months in that School, facing the same rude behavior. There was also a war threat those days in whole country. All the institutes were set on the half time, including His School. It was uncertain that enemy would attack or not, if so, how?

Intelligence was indifferent but the enemy, from nowhere, sneaked in. They started settling in tribal areas and were creeping towards the cities, while the intelligence of the country was unaware.

(The last laugh beginning)
02:02pm, Mon 7/Jul/2014

It was just a normal day at School... But "KABOOM!" and again "KABOOM!" then series of such sound were heard. What it was? It was a troop, a group of militants. They attacked the whole School, entered into each room and threatened everyone. Also In 'HIS' class room all students including teacher were standing, raising both their arms. They were passing their time by tyrannising. Those two militants beat everyone as they patrolled around whole lanes of students. They had done this with all the students but now it was His turn. That, militant fully armored, holding a huge rifle came near Him to do the same as he did to His fellows. He hit Him with the bottom of his rifle on His gut. His raised hands, resultantly were now on His gut to console Himself from pain. But after this, instead of raising His hands again, He put His hands on that soldier's pocket knife and was successful in grabbing it out and then, Pierced! That knife tore that soldier’s throat. It was done within two seconds and with such a silence that the second soldier didn't notice at that moment. Then He also grabbed the rifle of dead soldier. Second soldier then realized what has happened, thus he started to fire at that spot but boy was covering himself by armored body of dead soldier. The boy, who never had touched a rifle, fired at him and again, aimed at the neck and shedded his blood. Whole class was stunned. Their feelings at that moment were ineffable because that boy had done something which was nearly impossible. Whole class was silent so that other merciless militants may not notice what has happened. That boy wasn’t finished yet. He wore a helmet, the armor of soldier and over it he wore second's armor, held a rifle and went out of the class silently to go further. He was walking with double of His weight but didn't care. He entered in a room, same thing was happening there but those terrorists didn't recognize‏ ‏him, not even his fellows‏ ‏did, because of Him being in full uniform. The boy opened fire with such a speed that the first soldier was killed and second had only aimed at the boy, but was also pushed in hell at the spot. Boy advised to keep the room locked as he went out. He kept doing it and both, the scumbags & the innocents remained stunned.
The boy kept the destruction continued. He fired at their faces and often, at neck for less time consumption for murdering but he, himself was covering his neck-to-limbs with the armor and his back of the head and neck with helmet because the uniform was not of his size. As he annihilated them, he collected their useful equipments for their use in worst scenario. At some rooms he was hit but not intensely because he was wearing two armors. But he was becoming dizzy moment after moment due to wounds.

At last they became alert by hearing the noises. They started to gather and look for what the problem was. They found the boy after a while. They blocked his way, took his armors and helmet off. Beat him off and then tied him on a pole by single handcuff.

They called out all the victims out to show their terror and settle fear.... They were just beating him but in a short while the boy took a grenade out of his pocket by his free hand and unpinned it and held it in his mouth... Again this unexpected situation caused the soldiers' brains to paralyze and without knowing what to do to save their lives, those cowards just started running away together from that spot in same direction while the grenade was just after them, thrown by the boy towards them which was in his mouth a second ago and then


It took all the dogs out......

It was known that they were 27 men who had come here on the base of a strategy that they would take cover in that School. That School was important initiation spot for the invaders due to its sensitive locale. They had to wait for the forces to arrive so that they may attack them according to their plan.
But when the forces arrived, they were already dead. But there was only a boy,


It was quite an unbelievable and incredible incident. No one can even think of a little boy to obliterate many militants and clear out the whole school. The boy who was always teased by his mates and also the staff, had been able to bear out the pain and control the nerve in a dangerous situation, just as he tolerated the abuses of his mates.

In an interview he said that to die fighting is better than to die crying, and so he did. But fortunately he did not die but exterminated all the militants. He proved himself superior to all those who thought to be prior over him only due to their wealth, power and extravagance and taught a lesson that simplicity brings courage, tolerance and steadfastness while jauntiness only make one weak and fragile. Thus the former quality wins us the last laugh!

(The Last Laugh)
07:52pm, Fri 14/Feb/2014

M. Irfan
About the Author: M. Irfan Read More Articles by M. Irfan: 17 Articles with 28193 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.