What does word “Terrorism”
stand for in international context? And what Pakistan has to do with it? Are
such questions that now are not naïve to even a child. The 1979 event of
invasion of Afghanistan at the hands of USSR and Pakistan’s decision to side
along with America and to dismantle the Soviet Union become a first step toward
a menace that has now become a bone in our neck. It is well said that Leaders
make the decision and then burden of consequences nation has to reap. This was
not enough though for our Leaders that at another decision to side once again
with America but not against Soviet Union this time then against whom Taliban’s,
well it may seem ridiculous to a person of reasoning. The Taliban’s we had
gathered from around the Muslim countries in the name of Jihad, trained them in
our Madressah’s and provided them weapons through the funds given by the United
Nation, sent them to fight Russian Forces, and even supported and backed their
Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The one you have made and then turned your back
on them after unfortunate 9/11 attack – Whether Osama bin Ladin was behind this
attack or not that is another discussion – then what you expect from them. Would
they not retaliate against your cold shoulders(behavior). Since 2000 almost
50,000 civilians have lost their precious lives in terrorist attacks. Target
killing, abduction for ransom, sectarian crisis, attacks on minorities i.e
Shia’s and Christians etc… have become the order of the day. Pakistan is gravely
suffering from the injurious consequences of its Leaders decisions. And writ of
the state is in deep danger. Though the time cannot be reversed but still there
is hope that sincere leadership will take the country out of current turmoil and