First 10 Personalities of Islam.
(Rana S Zia Chachar., Khushab)
The exigency of my this little contribution is
only to share some information about Islam with my all Muslim community.
according to me their are only two things who will adduce and distinguish us as
a Muslim, these are
1)Practice;performance of Islamic norms and deeds.
2)Knowledge;learning of Islamic inculcation.
First 10 Personalities of Islam.
First man created by ALLAH?
Hazrat Adam(A.S)
First women created by ALLAH?
Hazrat Hawwa(A.S)
First prophet of ALLAH?
Hazrat Adam(A.S)
First male convert to Islam?
Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A)
First Khalifa of Islam.?
Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A).
First Sahabi(companion) who died?
Hazrat Asad ibn Zarra.(R.A)
First Sahabi who was martyred?
Haris ibn Abi Halla.(R.A)
First person who recited the Quran openly in Makkah?
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Masood.(R.A)
First Muslim among Slaves?
Hazrat Zaid-ibn-Haris(R.A)
First one who gave the Royal gift to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?