
(mohsin raza, kasur)

Pollution means an ‘’undesirable change’’ in the environment. Pollution means all those negative changes that occur in and around the place where we live or work. You must have noticed different changes, positive or negative that have been taken place around us, such as waste or garbage thrown in the streets, a lot of traffic noise and fumes in the atmosphere. All these negative changes have caused pollution in the environment and have brought ugliness around us. Increasing pollution has become a grave problem in our country. A sheet of dirty smoke and harmful gases has covered our big cities. The result is that it is destroying our air, our earth and even our lives. Massive cutting of tress has also given rise to carbon dioxide which causes pollution. All the factories and mills give off smoke and gases as part of their operation. It causes harmful effect on the health of the people living around. Modern industrialization is the main cause of pollution. If pollution is not checked, it would endanger animal and human life on the earth. Tree plantation movement should be started on national level as tress decrease pollution.

mohsin raza
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