The Year 2014 & The Unusual Transmogrification

(Waqar Mahmood Khan, DUBAI-UAE)

The ineptitude amidst individuals and groups to acknowledge the other humans and the state continues to deteriorate with the advent of every new day. As a matter of fact, many a people have now indulged themselves in futile activities, creating acute agitation not just for others but for their own selves too. However, such sort of tendency is not apprehended by scores of people very easily.

First of all, I would like to strongly condemn the dreadful incident which took place on Tuesday, the sixteenth of December 2014, at Army Public School in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa’s capital city ‘Peshawar’, which was bathed with the blood of martyrs by a heart-trembling incident. The horrendous tragedy shook not only the Pakistani nation but the entire world. About 145 souls were massacred as a result of this tragedy including 132 students.

I pay my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families of the martyrs and urge them to be resilient .

I pray to Almighty Allah to accord patience to the grieved families, the injured victims and bestow a great reward upon them for this patience in this world and the world hereafter.

O Almighty Allah! Safeguard my beloved homeland Pakistan from the acts of terrorism as well as corruption and bestow stability and tranquillity upon it. Aameen!

The year ‘2014’ that has ended , may be characterized by a dwindling determinant to an extent that ascertains the declination of tolerance among individuals, at an expeditious pace. To me it seems as if, we, the people lack the ability to tolerate rather accept others, in the most veracious sense.

Don’t you think that in the earlier years, we used to act publicly and in the year 2014, we used to be very much political? Very interestingly our entire discourse in the year 2014 consisted nothing else but politics.

This all is because of the fact that we now play with the emotions of others and attempt to implement our own ideology on others by means of an authoritative power instead of listening to what the others say.

What we think is that we only are right and all others wrong. We, moreover, think that all we know is right and all what others know or think can never be right, whatsoever. What a funny logic .... Ohhh!!!

The power to tolerate or even listen to others has come to a complete end. If I am a supporter, an activist or a member of a particular political party, I would only accept my leader’s stance whether right or wrong by declaring all others rubbish.

On a very serious note, it won’t be wrong to say that our mind’s dictionary has totally rejected the existence of the word ‘tolerance’. This all is because ,it is unbearable for many of us to practice tolerance in our lives.

REMEMBER !!! Where there is no tolerance, there is no national unity/integrity and where there is no national unity, there can be no peace. In the words of Physics, tolerance and national unity are the terms that are directly proportional to each other.

To transform the destiny of Pakistan, all of us individually and collectively will have to promote tolerance and national unity by means of the attainment of proper education. Only this would guarantee for us a strengthened and a peaceful Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabad !!
Long Live Pakistan !!

Waqar Mahmood Khan
About the Author: Waqar Mahmood Khan Read More Articles by Waqar Mahmood Khan: 20 Articles with 15009 views B.S Honours in English. Teaching experience at a local academic zone .Highly interested in discovering new vistas of knowledge through teaching and re.. View More