Nothing is better than Education

(Hiba Saleem Khan, Karachi)

Education means to " know " or to have "Information " regarding any topic. Education is considered as an essential part because it is education that builds our personality and also help us to deal with problems of everyday life. Education is also very important for a Muslim and in Islam Education is given special importance. There's a Hadith :" To gain knowledge is an obligation for all Muslims".This Hadith completely defines the need of knowledge and education for a person.

Education help us to differentiate between right and wrong ways and the one who is educated can never do anything wrong because education grooms our personality aswell our way of thinking. Education is not only important for an individual person but it also plays an important role in the progress and development of a country. Now a days there are many countries in the world who have gained alot of fame and it is just because the people of those countries are educated and civilized.

Through this section of articles I would like to draw the attention of the people who are working in the Education Department and I would request them that kindly make proper arrangements to promote education through out the country. I think this way we would be able to reduce the illetracy rate of Pakistan and this would also help us to deal with the upcoming challenges of our country.


Hiba Saleem Khan
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