Laylat ul Qadr 1436 at Jamia Islamia Rizvia Lahore

(Abdul Razzaq Qadri, Lahore, Pakistan)

Last night was 27th of Ramadan 1436 AH. It is considered ‘Laylat Al Qadr’ by Muslims.

Me and Tehseen Chishti went to Jamia Islamia Rizvia Lahore, situated in Rachna Town Ferozwala to attend Convocation Ceremony and Annual Program. After ablution we entered the Masjid Nusrat e Madina at 12:27 AM on 15 Jul 2015. It was full of worshipers.

Sayyed Anis Shah Qadri was reciting Naat in Mosque of Jamia Islamia Rizvia Lahore at that time. Ghulam Yasin Qadri was offering duties of stage secretary. He invited Ghulam Sarwar to recite Naat in the praise of Holy Prophet Muhammad. Meanwhile Mufti e Azam Pakistan Muhammad Arshad al Qadri entered the Mosque. Ghulam Sarwar recited Naat , then Akif Qadri invited Waqar Noorani to recite The Holy Quran. To start Convocation Ceremony. He recited from Surah Maryam, Surah Qiyamah, Surah al-Dhuha and Surah Qadr.

After Tilawah of Quran, Akif Qadri recited a Naat. At 1:05 AM,Ghulam Yasin Qadri invited Mufti Arshad ul Qadri for his speech. Before his address he introduced his works Especially an Urdu Interpretetion ('Fuyoodh.un.Nabi') of Hadith book Jami al-Tirmidhi. Mufti Arshad ul Qadri told that he has written more than 400 books about current issues of Muslim Ummah & Sciences of Quran and Hadith.

In his speech, Mufti invited the attention of Muslim Ummah towards unity. He said that his manifesto is unity, serve and stability. He said that during last 40 years of his services about religion, he never worked to promote sectarianism. “If some enemy will attack you, he will not ask about your sect, he will kill you simply” he added.

After speech of Mufti Arshad ul Qadri, certificates were distributed among students of Hifz e Quran in Jamia Islamia Rizvia Lahore at 2:14 AM. At the end a few gifts were distributed among Teachers and servants of institution. Then, Salam of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan was recited together by standing and Mufti prayed Dua for all. Then we ate Sehri food there and came back by 03:00 am

Abdul Razzaq Qadri
About the Author: Abdul Razzaq Qadri Read More Articles by Abdul Razzaq Qadri: 45 Articles with 60536 views I'm a Muslim. Many of my articles has been published on my blog and on other social websites before publishing here... View More