Causes of Energy Crisis In Pakistan

(Mahum Javaid, Lahore)

 “I’m just going to keep plugging away until I find success—or an electrical socket that works. This is the secret to gaining worldly power.”
― Jarod Kintz, Xazaqazax

“Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs.”
― Nikola Tesla, My Inventions

Energy is now the talk of town in Pakistan. Starting from house wives, traders, businessmen, students, ministers all the victims of the shortage of energy. Karachi the biggest city experiencing up to 12 hours load shedding in peak hot weather and during the board exams are on the way. Every body now became the expert of energy and all the figures are on finger tips. some time the shortage is 200 MW some time 2500 MW.

energy admin seriously explores the causes of such acute shortage
Gas as Fuel

One very important reason attributed to this energy shortage is the aging of the generating equipment which could not develop the electricity as per the design requirement. This is the responsibility of continuous updating the equipment and keeping the high standard of maintenance.
we sincerely think a serious thought should be given for general overhaul and maintenance of existing equipment to keep them in good working order.

So far energy conservation is limited to newspaper ads lip service in seminars. No serious thought is being given to utilize the energy at the optimum level. A new culture need to develop to conserve energy. Some times on government level illiteracy is blamed for the failure of the energy conservation program. this is not true,. Maximum energy is consumed by elite class which have all the resources of knowledge and communication. But for their own luxury they themselves ignore the problem. Government should seriously embark on energy conservation program.

The cost of crude has increased from 40 $ to 140 $/barrel. it means the generation from thermal units are costing exorbitant price. WAPDA and KESC when purchasing electricity on higher cost are not eager to keep on selling the electricity on loss. Therefore they do not move on general complain of load shedding.
One simple solution is to increase the energy cost. Again the theft of electricity from the consumers adding the misery of common citizen who wants to pay the bills honestly.
the problem of the energy losses is being discussed for more than a decade and in spite all efforts no solution has been found.

Wapda and KESC are two generation and dispatch units in Pakistan. although NEPRA is a government authority to settle the tariff issues but the fact remains that once the question of WAPDA comes the authority has a very little influence.
This is suggested that private sector should be allowed to install power plant and settle the electricity to consumers. Once the rates are settled on competitive basis and the service and uninterrupted power supply will be insured then consumers will be benefited.

Pakistan is blessed with large amount of the coal. again no serious work is done to explore the coal for power generation. This is complained that the coal quality is inferior. however tailored made solutions are available to burn any type of coal. Government is looking for private sector to play its role.
In our opinion the government itself should come forward and install the power plants on the site of coal mines only.

The government exerting great efforts to develop the renewable energy. PPIB has issued letter of intent to many private sector sponsors. If a serious work is done then the total shortage can be met from Hydro and wind power sector.
This is also suggested that small loans should be provided to consumers to install small hydro and solar cells for one family usage of electricity. The mechanism should be made that instead of monthly bills loan recovery each month to be carried out .

So far the government is looking for private sector investment in energy sector and for itself it choose a role of facilitator and arbitrator. We strongly suggest that a massive investment from government itself in generating units for conventional as well as new technologies is needed. Once the government sector embarks on massive plans then private sector will follow immediately.

in spite higher costs immediate relief is only possible with thermal power plants which can be commissioned in 24 months time. A comprehensive and realistic planning will help to develop generating units in Pakistan which will be a catalytic element for the economic growth , poverty elevation and prosperity in Pakistan

Mahum Javaid
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