Death of a Shaheed

(Chiraghdeen, Karachi)

“Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem laid to rest in Karachi”

Saturday, 10th Rabius Sani 1431 (Qamri),
March 27th 2010 (Shamsi)

Dear Readers,

Assalam u alaikum,

Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem Shaheed (Rehmatullah Alaih) was a big Alim-e-Deen, Azeem Mujahid and Real Believer of ISLAM.

The SHAHADAT of that Mujahid is a big LOSS of Ummat-e-Muslima and the loses of that incidents fulfill after a long time.

Those persons who did this killing and the persons who ordered for this killing; they all are the CRIMINALS of not only the family of Shaheed Maulana but are the CRIMERS OF WHOLE MUSLIMS COMMUNITY AND THE GOD (ALMIGHTY ALLAH).

The last living place of those persons is HELL and they will not die till they will not be punished in this world also.

In this incident, the Shaheed Maulana was accompanied with his 2 guards and 2 children in his car while 1 child MA’AVIAH was on the bike and first of all he was shot dead on the spot. The other 2 children and 2 guards are injured.

I pray the GOD to give a best place to Shaheed Maulana and his child Ma’aviah in HEAVEN FIRDOUS (Jannat-ul-Firdous) and give health to remaining 4 victims. Aameen.

About the Author: Chiraghdeen Read More Articles by Chiraghdeen: 56 Articles with 200059 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.