Bud-Nazri (English version)

(Abdul Qadeer, Karachi)

Hazrat Molana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib Damat Bar-Katu-hum prescribes us that following are disadvantages of "Bud Nazri".

1. Disobedient of ALLLAH
ALLLAH Tala prescribes us that "Ae Nabi SallALLLAH-O-Aleh-E-Wasallim tell the Muslims that conserve their eyes. Means don’t look on "NA-MEHRAM" girls/women and "NA-MEHRAM" boys/men

2. Defalcation(Khayanat) in Deposit(Amanat)
The person (male or female) who looks on "NA-MEHRAM" girls/women and "NA-MEHRAM" boys/men made Defalcation in Deposit. ALLLAH tala prescribes that ALLLAH knows defalcation of eyes and secrets of hearts

3. Title of "Cursed"
Huzor SallALLLAH-O-Aleh-E-Wasallim prescribes that ALLLAH curses Nazir(the person who looks girls/women) and Manzoor (person who shows his/her beauty)

4. Title of Foolish
Hazrat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rehmatullh Aleh prescribes that every sin shows that the person is fool. The person who commit sin shows that their is some deficiency in his brain because he is disobeying such a great Lord who has everything of us. Our life, death, our health etc.

5. The person who commit this sin become eligible to ALLLAH's anger, visitation and cursed

6. Heart becomes Weak
Frequency of thoughts of that beautiful girl/boy increases because of Bud-Nazri. There is tension (stress) in the heart. Because of this heart become weak. Because of Bad-Nazri all 5 senses tries to get haram enjoyment.

7. He will become medical weak

8. He become un-gratefully
He becomes un-grateful because of Bud-nazri. He sees different beautiful faces around. Because of this his own wife becomes not beautiful in his eyes. The person who does not see other girls/women, his own wife becomes beautiful in his eyes.

9. Eye-Side becomes weak.
ALLLAH tala prescribes that "if you grateful to me then I will give you more". And looking other girls/women is un-gratefullness.and ALLLAH prescribes that if you un-grateful then there is a great punishment for him.

10. Annihilation of heart
The person who protects his/her eyes and not looking girls/women, boys/men will closer to ALLLAH. When a person protects his/her eyes, his/her heart will be broken. When heart is broken and become red by blood (internally) then sun of closeness of ALLLAH rises

11. Causes disease of heart "An-Jaina"
"An-Jaina" occurs because of Bud-Nazri. Bud-Nazri causes "tension"(stress) in the heart. Because of this tension "An-Jaina" occurs. Because tension(stress) of heart increase the size of heart.

ALLLAH Hum Sub Ko Is Gunah Se Bachne Ki Taufeeq Ata Farmaye. (Ameen)

If you find any mistake, kindly pardon me.

Abdul Qadeer
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