Giving is the highest level of living
(Syeda Maha Qadri, Karachi)
We are living in a
materialistic world. Everyone is running in a race to supersede the other but
the problem is after achieving a lot in his life no one seems content and
satisfied. This is, because we have forgotten the actual essence of happiness
and satisfaction. In spite of expecting and getting things from others if we
started to learn giving with generosity, we could bring the actual happiness in
our lives.
Richard Foster says, “Just the very act of letting go of money, or some
treasure, does something within us, it destroys the demon greed.” This is not a
very difficult task to do, if you adopted it and tasted the fruit of it, you
would never want to give this habit up. It grooms ourselves and makes us glad,
pleased, content and satisfied. Besides, you would be at the highest level of
living. Calvin Coolidge said, “No person was ever honoured for what he received,
Honour has been the reward for what he gave.” However, some people, despite of
giving a lot to others, don’t seem happy because they expect back those things
in some other forms what they have given to them so this is how they couldn't
feel the actual pleasure of generosity. “I was with my best with him and see
what he returned with” a friend complains. Always remember, if you present a
gift or a favour to someone and expect a return for it, it is not a gift at all
but a swap. Nevertheless, in your daily routine, make a way to practice ‘giving’
so as you can make life a LIFE. Don’t take it lightly – wildly bump yourself
into a generous living.