Article On Happiness

(Shamsa Sajjad , Lahore)

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life , the whole aim and end of human existence.'
'Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.'
Denis Waitley
Happiness means pleasure, thought of good life, good fortune, freedom from suffering, and delight, well-being and prosperity ,glee ,gaiety, contentment, gladness, joyfulness, exhilaration, ecstasy, euphoria , heaven, paradise, seventh heaven and much more.
We can define happiness as mental or emotional state of well-being .It can also be defined as positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness is a feeling when you know life is good and as per your wishes .It is t he opposite of sadness.
'Happiness is our natural default state; it is a learned skill; unhappiness is part of our survival system.'
'True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.'
Science is also involved in making you feel happy. You may feel good rather relaxed more often by prompting brain chemicals ,the main source of happiness. Their task is to promote survival through brain defines survival quickly. It cares about the survival of your genes, and it wires itself in youth. This is why we do things quickly to stir up our happy chemicals, in spite of our best intentions.
Happy brain chemicals are:
"I can do it"- Dopamine gives this kind of feeling.
"Serotonin is the pleasure of getting respect."
" Endorphin is a euphoria that makes physical pain."
"Social security trust is caused by oxytocin."
These impulses can be felt easily in animals for they don't cover themselves with words. Happy chemicals don't tell in words why they turn on or off. They pass quickly and you have to do more to get more. A common -sense intuition is that both happiness and sadness are interlinked. They both cause ups and downs in your life. You may indulge either in good or bad habits. You can shun your bad habits by accepting your ups and downs .You can enjoy more ups by building new pathways or habits to your happy chemicals.
According to the researchers' framework happiness depends on pleasure, meaning, ambition and engagement. Happiness involves both everyday positive emotions and a global sense that life is worthwhile. People can have their own level of happiness. Keeping this framework in mind researchers are learning more about the reasons for one's happiness.
Happiness is a decision an individual makes ,that decision requires actions and actions requires decisions .Keep going your way ,life is so beautiful. You must be cherished under any circumstances.
Life is about balance and effective management. Be kind but don't let people abuse you. Trust but don't be deceived. Be contented but never stop improving yourself.
you must have ambitions and plans in life., For happy people time is filled, meaningful and planned; they are punctual and efficient-on the contrary for unhappy people time is unfilled, open and uncommitted; they postpone things and are inefficient. One more thing never let your life become so filled with work that your mind becomes crammed with worries or your heart becomes so jammed with old wounds or anger that there is no room left in it for fun, awe or joy.
People who feel they have control and satisfactory feeling in themselves regarding anything in life have extraordinary positive feelings of happiness . Increasing people's control noticeably improve their health and morale as well.
-Give love to mankind
-Self help makes one feel happy
-Quit self-pity in yourself
-Stop negative talk
-Discover love, first love yourself then whole mankind
-Have a good self -image or self -respect
- Be positive ,positivity protects against anxiety and depression
-Be optimist for optimist enjoy greater success and live with more joy and bravery

Shamsa Sajjad
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