When realization hits you.

(Shumaila Binte Saif, Karachi)

As time drifts away you get to know that the people who make you unfold your feelings and emotions, who let you feel every single thing which once had no effect on you, who dig out the emotional and sensitive part of your existence, who tell you that they love you for who you are will one day leave you. They come in your life, give you everything you wished for and then, all of a sudden, go away.. destroying every ounce of your mind and soul. You look back, you wait for them, want them to come running back to you but they don’t. The thought of not having them in your life makes your spiritual being wither.

You stand there holding your broken heart, hoping everything will be ok. Gathering all the bits and pieces of your devastated life, you try to move on but what you see is a long, dark tunnel ahead of you.. you think of giving up, you die several times in this painful journey, but there comes a point where you see bright light at the end of the tunnel. You see hope. Detaching yourself from the reminiscent of the past, you keep moving forward until you reach the end of the tunnel where you discover a completely different world, far beautiful than your past.

You feel the positive aura around you. You feel content and confident now. You stand still, absorb all the positive energy, feel the warm tears rolling down your cheeks and whisper, “No, it’s not the end. THIS is the actual beginning”.

And THAT would be the time when you realize how strong you are. Till what level your soul and mind can bear the pain of devastation. At that time you would be aware of what your own being is capable of. You would feel the satisfaction of being survivor seeping through your mind to your heart and finally reaching to your soul, accepting all the changes you have gone through. And that would be the time when you start loving yourself. You would experience a whole new bunch of emotions and feelings. You would see a new strong and confident personality raising its head up from the deep corner of your broken heart. And you would feel it growing inside you, replacing your old broken and crushed personality.

Yes, and THAT would be the time when you are going to stand for yourself. You would become conscious of the fact that you are your own hero, no one has the power to make you feel unwanted. No one has the control of your life. It’s YOU who is the in charge of your life, your heart, your soul and your mind. You are free to feel anything. You have the right to be happy and feel satisfied with yourself.

This is what life is. It makes you suffer to show you your worth. Yes, life has a very strange way of teaching us lessons. Happiness, grief, ups and downs are all part of this life. Life is meant to go up and down and up and down.. just like a roller coaster. Shout, scream, laugh, cry.. Feel every emotion. and never forget that if every rise has a fall then definitely every fall has a rise as well. If you are falling now, you would surely rise up again.

I personally feel that life with a linear graph would be boring.. A mixture of happiness, grief, pain and peace makes a perfect life.

Feel Alive!
Feel every emotion and moreover, TRUST YOURSELF!


Shumaila Binte Saif
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