Effect of social media on new generation

(Jai mala kunbhomal, Karachi)

Social media is now a part and parcel everyone's life most of the people .we come know are socializing through different platforms. Social media has made people come together. But this adevers affects to young generation as most young age people right from the age 12 are socializing getting away from the studies . children forget about there studies .social media impact is huge on young generation as any rumors spread fast most of the children get addict. To these they most their time on socializing then spending their valuable on their studies. Most of young generation people ageing from age 12_17 use mobile phone , Facebook, etc to socialize everyday. Though there are negative impact of social media also some are like any information regarding anything spread fast in short span of time people are up to date about events going around the world. Social networking is the grouping of individual into specific groups. It could be a group of college students , teenagers ,a religious ,or political groups , coming together to exchange information of their interest, mostly online . the online .the online networking is called social sites . the most known of all are Facebook ,my space , yahoo! 360 and twitter . this has adverse effects on society . frist of all many of the online friends do not provide their real identity ,so they are not real friends. When young people discover the real identity of their online friends ,they will be disappointed ,and even depressed the amount of time users spends online with fake friendship is hurting them their time is consumed by surfing website, social networking is an important and positive change in our society .it become an important aspect of our day to day activities it is our responsibility to mange which site to use and how to use them with extra precautions.

Jai mala kunbhomal
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