Impact of print media(newspaper) on three different societies

(Muhammad Faizan Jamil, Lahore)

Short history of Printing:

Papyrus is the first form of paper made by the papyrus tree in ancient Egypt, but the first ever paper was made in china and the first printing of book was also started in china through the wooden blocks to print letters (617-907).The first book was the Buddhist text named as “Diamond sutra”. Printing was done through hands before the invention of pitting press which was latter on invented by “sirJohannes Gutenburg” in 1439.The concept of newspaper was arrived in 17th century and it was used to inform government announcements to the people. The first modern type of newspaper was published from “Oxford” named as the ‘Oxford Gazzte’.

Newspaper In Pakistan :

“ROSHNI, INQALAB and MUSALMAN “ are the names of newspapers which was existed at the time of Independence. In Pakistani Society newspaper has its own importance but as the electronic media create its impact on the society, newspaper loss the ratio of its readers. In Pakistani society newspaper is mostly considered as the time passing activity, e.g. as we observe In barber’s shop at low/middle class hotels and tea stalls, the newspapers read by the people to pass their time and by discussing any highlighted issue with others. Newspapers are heavily paid through advertisements those are printed in newspapers.

Newspaper In India:

In India newspaper is considered as the knowledge provider tool, they think that, “books and newspaper sharpen one’s knowledge, skills, and mental blockage and develop more thrust to get information on any related topic. They of the opinion that, through newspaper,readingability become more effective and people become able to perform critical talks and gain the ability of creating new and unique concepts. The impact of print media on Indian society is based on the credibility of readers and how the content is present to the public. As we know print media is also big source of advertisements, so it also carries the economic activities based on promotion ads. Newspaper is not a enough expansive item as compare to other masses of media, so because in India most people are not able to get other media devices, they prefer newspaper as a cheap source of information and current affairs.

Newspaper in United States:

With the existence of electronic and social media, news reader’s ratio is becoming low in the United States. In last 20 years the ratio of newspaper readers in US become low and almost 90% of viewers read news from the social media. Newspapers are widely used as a propaganda device during the cold war by United States against the USSR to show their strategic power. Now days newspapers are losing its importance in United states of America.


Newspaper is considering as the propagating tool to create political influence on the readers mind with the courtesy of political Statements and ads in these three societies. As I mentioned above that, in these three societies electronic media is replace the trend of newspaper but the value of newspaper should not be under estimate, we should give importance to newspaper reading to avail active learning by promoting the newspaper reading trend in our societies.

Muhammad Faizan Jamil
About the Author: Muhammad Faizan Jamil Read More Articles by Muhammad Faizan Jamil: 14 Articles with 15743 views Student of Sociology, Social research & Blog writter... View More