Garbage In Karachi

(Muhammad Shoaib, Karachi)

Please get CDGK authority to look into the matter of the garbage dump near footpaths of North Karachi. The garbage is strewn on the road by stray cattle and dogs. The rag-pickers also go through the garbage and leave it spread out on the road. The whole area stinks so much that it is impossible to stand outside one's house. These day the garbage is collected is worse as the smell pervades inside the houses and food and water too.

Please impress upon the authorities to shift the dump to outside the city. There are many other dumps in Karachi but none are being used for collecting garbage. This seems to be the only one being used.

The situation is worse on Thursdays after the weekly bazaar on Wednesday evening on the same road.

The residents are forced to live in such unhygienic conditions. I have written several times to Karachi authority but to no avail.

It is my request to convey this massage to the concern authorities I will be very thankful to your newspaper.

Muhammad Shoaib
About the Author: Muhammad Shoaib Read More Articles by Muhammad Shoaib: 6 Articles with 4641 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.