Why begging? (Beggars with hand power)

(Kashif Ali, Karachi)

"People want their rights is not begging, but rather if need more, this is begging"

I think, in 21st century people have their rights, maybe audience facing issues in different stages, but overall there are infinite opportunities for all in this universe, humans are not for begging from humans. I firmly believe begging comes from mind and nature, but not from poorness, homeless and foodless.

In Pakistan, begging is different from the world, here you will find beggar's not only on road, but also in different sectors and organizations. These beggars are not homeless, jobless and uneducated, but they want more than their status, more than their standard by shortcuts.

"Hardworking, honesty is far better than cheating"

I firmly believe the money which comes from shortcut will enjoyable for the moment not for the future, because you will be never satisfied by heart. On the other hand, the money which comes from hard working, honesty, work and passion will always satisfy you.

"Rich by heart is far better than rich by money"

I belong to a county, where some peoples are rich by heart; they are honest by nature, by family. But, here you find infinite number of beggars who only want money money and only money, I agree money is reality and need for life in universe, but some humans are extreme lover of money and they have found shortcuts to earn, there are several, not several but all governmental organizations have finite number of honest people and infinite numbers of corrupt peoples.

Jobs in government organization is only dream, which will come true if you pay large amount of money, you don't need to prepare for test, you don't need good skills, if you have degree then its fine, if you don't have degree then your money will help you to sit on the chair in government sectors

I believe DIRECT CREDIT SYSTEM will help government old retired pensioners to get their pay easily from private banks; it is very easy and beneficent way for old age people by government. On other side, Responsible government organization for DIRECT CREDIT System is trying to make the cases complicated for old age pensioners. Without money Co operation with old age pensioner is only a dream.

Moreover, I want to share a category of beggars, they are totally different from other; their way of begging is different from another’s. They use weapons for begging mobile phones and money. We call them “STREET CRIMINALS”, their number is increasing day by day in Pakistan.

"Educated nation is endless money for a country"

In Pakistan, education system is unsatisfactory, we are atomic powers, but 60% students even don't know the mean of atomic power. Parents are interested to educate their kid, students are interested to learn, but teachers are not interested to teach. Some teachers not only earn monthly but also on daily bases and during the final papers, may be they earn commission for providing cheating material in papers, especially in SSC and HSC, don’t worry if you submit a blank paper with a blank mind, you will get more than 80% marks if you will pay a large amount of money to board.

I tried to highlight the begging in different ways with an unjaundiced eye to show the audience the genuine face of beggars. I am looking forward for the good days when I will write an article with an unjaundiced eye to light up that there is no more begging in Pakistan.

Kashif Ali
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