The State –Run education system.
(Qurat-ul-ain Akram Cheema, Islamabad)
The education system in
Pakistan needs as much attention as political matters. Number of schools and
colleges is extending day after day but it is so ironical that the standard of
education is stooping low as compared to the branches of the schools being
spread. The syllabus of the institutions is never revised. If ever it get
changed it doesn’t fulfill the needs of hour. Students are found purchasing
immense number of books as per requirement of the syllabus .But why our
graduates fail in showing excellence in interviews for jobs ?
One of the main flaw is the quality of syllabus . The selection of the contents
of the syllabus doesn’t matches with the demands of the professional world. The
syllabus of English , in particular , is not satisfactory . There are so many
books, workbooks and handbooks added to the course every year and students are
taking extra-coaching classes to the learn the foreign language. But do we know
the aim of getting skilled in foreign language ? To communicate proficiently ,
to get command in dealing with the world . But our examination system deals in
only practicing the students for written exams and not oral. So our students
fail in proving best in interviews where they have to converse in English . They
fail in expressing their knowledge and degree in oral form which results in
unemployment .
Oral exams and vivas should be made compulsory in all internal and external
exams for all subjects so that the students and communication skills become
refined. Our students are unable to make a presentable CV/Resume and covering
letter. For this very important skill is not rehearsaled enough in schools and
when student steps into the practical world to seek jobs he fails to present
himself as a competent contestant . Our education minister and academicians must
raise a voice for it so that the graduates must not face failure in outer world.
Instead of piling up the syllabus with so many stories and poems , the content
must be filled up with excercises of writing applications, letters, C.V,
invitations , acceptance refusal, regrets, condolences and a lot more. Business
communication and spoken English must be the special concern for the students
.Hence, the educationists must bring the issues to limelight so that the
betterment be achieved without further loss.