
(Afshan Younus, Karachi)

Have you ever noticed the difference in people who are able to easily let go of anger and forgive, and those who stay in anger and blame?

What I have noticed is that those who continue to stay in blame and anger are often people who see themselves as victims of other people's choices. I've noticed that people who stay angry at someone are generally people who are very controlling and believe that they can control someone else's behaviour through punishment - anger, blame, judgment, and so on.

If you hang on to anger, blame and resentment, what happens to you? You end up feeling miserable. Whenever someone behaves in a manner that I find unacceptable, I attempt to understand the good reasons behind the unacceptable behaviour.

Even though I choose compassion rather than judgment when others behave in unacceptable ways, this does not mean that I want to continue to be around the person. I can fully understand why the person acted as he or she did, yet still decide that being around this person is not in my highest good.

If your intent is to control, then you hope that by not being around that person, he or she will learn their lesson and change their behaviour. You have not really decided to end the relationship. You have a secret hope that by distancing yourself, you can have control over whether or not this person changes.

If someone behaves in a way that is not acceptable to you, this does not mean that you need to leave the relationship. It does mean that you need to accept that it may happen again and that there is nothing you can do about it. You have no control over another's choices. Again, hanging on to blame and resentment will only make you miserable. If you decide to stay, then you need to decide how to take loving care of yourself in the face of the other's unacceptable behaviour. When you are truly taking loving care of yourself, then you will find you can easily forgive the other person.

The blessing of forgiveness is that it allows you to let go of life-draining resentment and open to love and joy.


Afshan Younus
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