Teacher education is the
process of providing teachers and potential teachers with the skills and
knowledge necessary to teach effectively in a classroom environment .Most
teacher education starts with initial training such as a degree program at a
college or university ,though other paths are available for a candidate to began
teacher education .Once a teacher has completed a degree program,and he or she
has obtained certification ,a teacher may continue his or her education while
teaching full time .Continuing education courses ,seminars,and professional
development activities are all considered part of ongoing teacher training
.Teacher Education is not teaching the teacher how to teach .It is to kindle his
initiative,to keep it alive,to minimize the evils of "hit and miss " process;and
to save time ,energy,money and trouble of the teacher and the taught . We
offered teacher training courses like P.T.C,C.T,B.Ed and M.Ed.All courses were
worthy and beneficial for the teachers who are teaching or want to teach
according to each level of educcation. If we skip the basic levels we can not
provide effective training as if some one do not know what is addition
,subtraction and division he/she could not be good /master in mathematics .As
HEC have announced from this year B.Ed course will be of 3 years and HEC will
not verify the degree of 1 year B.Ed course in future .They did not share the
criteria,situations and economical,psycholoical,socialogical reasonsfor which
they decided to convert a certificate course in to degree . why they are doing
so ? Why they would not verify One year programme /course ? why this course need
long term duration? I think people should raise these questions why our
Government is trying to devalue all the degrees which we earn to equip ourself
for bright future.