Reasons of Muslim`s fall down

(Rabia Hashim, )

What do you think can be the reason of Muslim`s fall down and decline throughout the history? People can debate a lot on this topic. Some might think that Muslims lost their dignity by forgetting the principles of Islam. Some can explain it as propaganda by the other nations of the world. Both of these believes are true and played an important role in the turn down of Muslim nations. I, on the other hand believe in another view which is ofcourse not forcing to accept but this is something I believe played a vital role in the destruction of Muslims rule over the world.

I believe that the Muslims have destroyed their image by themselves. This is quite a debatable point on which many views can be observed. The three Muslim Empires, the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals have faced the inevitable state of fall down. But each individual empire has different reasons of decline. Whether it is social, religious, economic, or political reasons, the empires, like many others, have fallen. I want to elaborate that whenever Muslim rulers and the common men find some thing new, luxurious and entertaining, they start using it excessively. You can find many examples on this topic from the history. In the Mughal empire, it was seen that the ruler become interested in women and wine. To some extent entertainment is good and refreshing (if we exclude the teachings of Islam here). Every nation in this world enjoys different sort of entertainments but in limits, our problem is that we start using these entertainments without limits.

You do not need to go to past to prove this problem, the current situation can also be determined as a reason of backwardness in our society. We can call ourselves technological advance society, you can see a mobile phone in the hands of youngsters so often that if a youth is not holding a cell phone in his hand he will feel awkward. Now I want to elaborate that using technology is not a bad thing but using it too much that losing its dignity will destroy the actual purpose of the invention. Our youth do not use the technology for a good and useful purpose actually they use it just for chatting, talking to their infinitive girl friends, and playing games. A very little portion of our youngsters actually use their time purposeful on the inventions.

Now I think I have made my actual point clear that our nation has made themselves slaves of these inventions. My humbling request to our youth is that try to make your time useful, following our neighboring country that is now a fast growing economy due to fair use of technology in all aspects of life. I am not saying that we are not a responsible nation, ofcourse we are, but we need to be goal oriented. We have always ruled the world because of our talent, energy, sincerity and mercifulness. So, try to help in lifting the morale of our country worldwide and make the other nations clear that we are still a hardworking and intelligent nation.

Rabia Hashim
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