The vague truth

(Yusra Aziz, )

Each being on this planet is influenced by its environment. Each occurrence in the general public influences the human emotional well-being. A few happenings end up being sure for psychological wellness while some negative happenings can prompt lasting harms. Some negative exercises incorporate lying, divisive discourse, useless gab, verbal mishandle, wrongdoings, tormenting and inappropriate behavior and so on. A standout amongst the most well-known negative action that is normal in Pakistan is harassing ladies sexually.

What is harassment?
The act of systematic and or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.
There are many kinds of harassment:
• Sexual Harassment
• Racial Harassment
• Religious harassment
• Undermining Discrimination
• Unwanted touching
• Offensive jokes or comments
• Offensive pictures or cartoons.

Its purposes?
The reasons may differ, including racial preference, individual perniciousness, an endeavor to compel somebody to leave a place of employment or give sexual favors, apply illicit weight to gather a bill, or only increase savage joy from making somebody frightful or restless.

What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

What is street sexual harassment?
The reasons may differ, including racial preference, individual perniciousness, an endeavor to compel somebody to leave a place of employment or give sexual favors, apply illicit weight to gather a bill, or only increase savage joy from making somebody frightful or restless.

The harassment done by man to disturb woman psycho socio health has pessimistic affects on her mental well being.

How man take sexual harassment?
For men giving a ladies sexual signs are their method for indicating affection and sentiment to her. Many man take lady's eyecontact and grinning as inciting their emotions to which they respond along these lines. However a ladies could never need a man to demonstrate her enthusiasm for the way which prompts badgering. Street sexual harassment might not be considered as a sign of affection by amen. They would normally do that for seeking pleasure.

How women respond to sexual harassment?
Women might respond in the following ways:
• Ignore
• Quit job if harassment is in workplace
• Be silent and not share it with others
• Change her clothing
• Change her hobbies
• Alter their routines
• Develop fear
• Feel less confident
What can be done to change the behavior of man?
• Educate them
• Let man speak what they feel
• Make them to respect women

What should a woman do in response to sexual harassment?
A woman should not get scared from the harasser instead she should tell him that his actions are unwanted. Many women might not feel comfortable in openly telling everyone that she is being harassed. She can tell someone who can help her to get away with the harasser. However woman should not get afraid and change herself because its not her mistake that she is being harassed instead it’s the mental sickness of the man who thinks that women are public property.
“Just because I move through a public space doesn't mean that my body is public place”

Yusra Aziz
About the Author: Yusra Aziz Read More Articles by Yusra Aziz: 5 Articles with 3708 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.