(Rabia Javed, karachi)

Only those who work hard get glory and success in life. Nothing great can be achieved without efforts. Napoleon once said, “God is on the side of the brave armies.” It is true that God also appreciate those who labour hard. There is no royal road to success. We cannot achieve real success in any field without great efforts and plenty of sacrifice.

A student can never come out with flying colours unless he had worked hard throughout the year. Those who aspire to reach the top of the academic ladder must work very hard. A farmer cannot reap a reach harvest without putting in it his utmost efforts while working in the fields. A lawyer cannot defend his clients if he does not work hard at his law books. Prosperous businessmen have to work hard to earn fat profits. Scientists keep toiling continuously for years and only then do they make great inventions. In sports, the same principle is applied. The competitors are ambitious and can go through the hard moments of a competition, wherein a normal human being would surely fail. Once you suffer the pain, there is following the reward in form of Gain.

So in all phase of life we have to accept this. No pain, no gain is certainly true for all the different aspects of life. It is also true in character-building. No one is naturally very good. A good and noble character is the result of constant sacrifice. Let’s all remember that there are no gains in life without pains.

Rabia Javed
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