Worshipers Of Satan

(Noreen Zafar, Karachi)

Illuminates or Freemasons. Do you know what this means? If not than you will be surely surprised once you will find out. When I first heard about this term and such people I did not believe, but after researching, reading books, documentaries I was astonished to see that their existence was true.

"Freemason" means a secret society. But what is the big secret? Let's go back to the history of their emergence. There are no specific dates given anywhere but what I figured out from my research is that these people exist from the very begining of the world. They belong to the tribes named "Kabala" and "Babylon" and are unique or famous for worshipping Satan. Illuminates or worshippers of Lucifer support Anti-christ Dajjal. Dajjal the one eyed devil who will arrive before the day of judgment and will kill the true believer of Almighty Allah and Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H). Most people belive that Jews are anti-christs which is not true. These people have their own religion. Religion to please Lucifer. Now you must be thinking that why do they worship Satan? Because, by pleasing Satan they receive negative powers. By Black Magic they control the supernatural (jinns). Satanics actually provoke Jinns to provide them power. Jinn asks them to indulge in immoral activities (which they call their "Rituals") and in return they get power and money. As in Holy Quran:

72:6 "And that person from among men used to invoke the refuge with the person from among Jinn, so they increased them in wrongdoing."

"The Great Seal" sign of black magicians has a pyramid with one eye in it. The one eyes represents Dajjal, which according to them is watching over the whole world. The pyramid is the symbolic representation of the Egyptian Kabala tribe. Many other symbols are used for their representation like "The devils horn", pyramid with 13 steps, octagon star, and eagle with 13 feathers.

It won't be wrong if you say that this world is taken over by the anti-christs. Some of the prominent personalities, politicians and artists are a member of this secret society. Their activities are carried out under our nose but they have blind-folded us by these wordly pleasures in the form of "The New World Order". Their symbolic representations can be seen in one-dollar note, an eye in a pyramid. Have you ever thought what does this means? Why is the huge monster like Shrek shown good and the white fairy with wings (in Islam we believe that Angels have wings) shown evil? Why does Madonna in the video of her famous song "frozen" shift shapes (when we belife that Jinns are shape shifters)?

We know there is no possible way evil could win over good. But are we preparing our-self for the arrival of our Messiah Jesus Christ? Is this the reason why Muslims are deprived all over the world because we have somehow become slaves of these satanic? These illuminates please their Lucifer by killing people. Is this the reason that everyday thousands of innocent people mostly Muslims are dying who truly believe in Almighty Allah so that Satan can be pleased from them? Too many questions and we all know the answers. Do we need more evidence to realize that we are completely surrounded by people who are preparing them-selves for the arrival of the Lucifer in this world. It's about time that we open our eyes to start fighting against them.

May Almighty Allah helps us all.

For further research visit. https://thearrivals.blogspot.com/


Noreen Zafar
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