Social Psychology: A conjunction of ABC Model: (Affect, Behavior and cognition)


Social psychology is based on ABCmodel (Affect, Behavior and Cognition), which means that how we feel, think and behave in our daily day routine, these threeattributes are consider as human capabilities to maintain effective and successful social interaction with other people in the society. E.g. If someone appreciates any girl, she feels proud, think positively and behave in respectful manner with others, that means in this little incidentthat girl receive affect in the shape of proud, behave by showing good manner, think herself and the other person in positive sense, so these three components combine and develop particular attitudeto interact with others while living in the society. These three components (Affect, Behavior and Cognition) work together to build human experience in any particular social situation, but the most important thing is the ‘control’ that effect these three capabilities of human being, if we lose control on our feeling, thinking and behaving attributes then our social interaction may face negative consequences, lets discuss these attributes individually.

(1) Social Affect: Feeling about ourselves and other selves.
Affect is define as the feelings that we experience as a part of our social life, e.g. Happiness, Consciousness, satisfy, loneliness, tense etc., that show our inner situation to perform any action according to the situations, because we mostly act according to our feelings that portray our inner sense e.g. If I feel conscience about my studies then I consider my regular studies more actively, I try to come in class on time, I prefer to portray myself as more Conscious person, and if I feel up-set then I cannot socialize my-self in the University. We experience the affect in the form of mode and emotion, mode; refers to the background of the situation in which we feel good or bad regarding anything, were emotions; are the mental and psychological feeling state that can be intense as compare to mode, mode is comparatively have long lasting effects e.g. such people having less economic resources, resist themselves to be a part of any enjoyment activities which shows the feeling of his resistance mode towards any energetic activity, whereas emotions has less period but intensive effect on specific events e.g. I feel happy because Pakistan won the cricket match that show my positive intense emotions that will be exist for few hours. Everyone has their own feeling expressions regarding the same event, some people feel aggressive when ShahidAfridi gets out but some people feel calm and cool on that particular event.

(2) Social Behavior: Interacting with others.
We have a capability of social behavior to make our social interaction more effective and efficient to spend more co-operative life in the society by sharing goods and services with each other. The concept of social exchange and social rewards such as praises affection, love and financial support that build the positive behavioral relationship among human beings. We act our social matters that fulfill our needs, to maximize our outcomes and to gain much social rewards. There are two types of behaviors (1) Overt: those behaviors are observable or that can be easily judge able e.g. Aggressiveness, naughty ness etc. There are further two forms of overt behavior named as Verbal and non-verbal, Verbal overt behavior are identify through wordings like aggressive speeches whereas non-verbal overt behaviors identify through symbols and gestures. (2) Covert: that cannot be observable or that cannot be easily pointed we can identify covert behaviors through indirect approach e.g. Jealousy. Mostly we behave with others according to our perception about any person or anything and we help someone by keeping in mind the concept of reciprocal altruism that means we facilitate any person because we want the same response from that person in the society, so as we conclude we can say that ABC model leads us towards better way to interact with others at societal level.

(3) Social cognition: Thinking and learning about others.
Self-thinking and thinking about others is the vital part of our social life, according to social psychologists, cognition is the mental activity of processing which refers to our social actions which help us to understand the behavior of ourselves and others in a particular social situation. There are two main things to consider while studying social cognition, one is Schemas; which includes the representation of information about any individual or group of individuals e.g. we know that Manchester United is one of the favorite football club in the world, which present us the knowledge about a group. The second thing is called Attitude; that refer to the liking or dis-liking about any person or thing e.g. I love Northern areas of Pakistan, which represent my likings towards anything, these two elements ‘Schemas and attitude’ help us to identify that which thing is better and which isn’t good for us which influence on the person’s behavior leads to social interaction. People has different cognition capabilities while interpreting the same event because of having individual mindsets, e.g. A boy suddenly shouted in the classand every person thinks differently on that particular act perform by the boy, some people interoperate that action asun-intentional act and some thinks he do unintentionally so the point is that everyone has their own understanding ability to interpret the behavior of others in particular social situation.

Muhammad Faizan Jamil
About the Author: Muhammad Faizan Jamil Read More Articles by Muhammad Faizan Jamil: 14 Articles with 15375 views Student of Sociology, Social research & Blog writter... View More