Effective Communication:

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)


WHAT COMMUNICATION IS: Communication is the transmission of information, transmission of views, transmission of thoughts and transmission of any specific doctrines. It may be noted that communication is not only to convey, but it is also to survey. The Communication begins from the birth of a baby. A newborn baby communicates and is communicated under the relevant tradition, culture and custom prevailing in the world. A Muslim newborn baby is communicated with the Azan (Calling for Prayer) only Azan is communicated, but no prayer (Jamaat) is offered as the prayer is offered on his/her death.

 INCLUSION: Moreover, communication includes the listening, speaking, reading, understanding, writing and customizing. Communication has got much importance in the modern age as the success for an individual requires the excellent communication skills. Through an effective communication the one can win the people’s trust and the cooperation as well as achieve a win-win situation.

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: Effective communication has different phases – sender – channel - receiver – understand – feedback – sender. If the communicated message is effective and solid, then it gets feedback immediately. There are two types of communication – i) Verbal Communication and ii) Nonverbal communication. The verbal communication has the message into words either written or spoken whereas non-verbal communication expresses through body language, facial expression and sign. The effectiveness of communication is evident by commonly known seven C’s that must be kept in mind while communicating they are:
1) Completeness: Communication should be complete in all sense and means without any double meaning, so that no confusion is prevailing. The pause within the sentence must be punctuated with the intention that wrong meaning or wrong message is not communicated.
2) Conciseness: Communication should not be wordier rather than it should be concise, so that the reader may not bother. It should not be little enough to uncover the theme or the substance of the message and not long enough to conceal the subject or essence on account of its longevity. Equilibrium must be maintained in communication as well.
3) Consideration: Communication should be from the readers’ point of view. It means that contents of communication have empathetic quality and essence, which puts outreach impact upon readers and listeners. Such communication forces readers to react positively and quickly.
4) Concreteness: Communication should be definite and specific rather than vague or general. The solid and real substance or contents of communication put impressive impact upon the reader and they are forced to give feedback to the senders. One should try his best to use active voice in communication.
5) Clarity: For effective communication one must see the length, unity and coherence in order to have clarity and transparency. The communication should be self-explanatory so that it may motivate the readers to respond quickly. The essence of communication not only breaks the ambiguity, but also enhances the interest of readers towards communicated contents.
6) Courtesy: Courtesy means not blaming the readers, but to communicate them in a diplomatic and tactical way, with the intention that they may not feel anger. Politeness and good manners should be adopted not only in the behavior, but also in written communication in order that writing may speak itself.
7) Correctness: Communication must be free from grammatical errors and the contents should be punctuated. The grammatical errors are negligible in spoken communication, but in written communication, grammatical errors may be avoided by making all efforts because readers of such communication feel themselves uncomfortable as error-based communication deactivates the response.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 123075 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More