10 signs of fitness that indicates your health

(Sameer, Lahore)

10 signs of fitness that indicates your health

10 signs of fitness that indicates your health

Following are the signs that indicates your health, tells you whether or not you are fine.

1) Stable heart rate
Resting rate of 70-80 bpm (beats per minutes) is normal heart rate that an average person has.
If higher then do cardiovascular training for better function. After cardio session your heart rate should return to normal within 5 minutes.

In case if you breathe panics, consult to your area doctor or even better if you go to a cardiologist immediately.

2) Color of Urine
Your urine can tell you if you’re enough hydrated or not. If the color of your urine is yellow that means you’re not taking as much water as you should but don’t worry that’s not very unusual thing, just start to get use to be hydrated.
Amount of intake for a common individual should be 8-12 glass a day.

3) Pink & Uncracked Lips
Glowing pink lips indicate that your skin is fine and you don’t have critical dehydration or dryness issue.
Rather than pink, any shade of black in lips can point out following;
· Smoking
· Toxin & poisoning
· Allergen
· Café and Hot beverages

4) Firm pink nails
It isn’t just for girls or white people, no matter what skin color or gender one has. Pinky nails points out that you’re good and healthy.
While white spots, ripples or below nails have given issues.
· White nails: points out liver problems.
· Yellow nails: fungal infection, diabetes or
· Dry & Cracked nails: skin dryness or thyroid.
Don’t ignore it, get an appointment of dermatologist and don’t hesitate to tell your issue.

5) Strength test­­­­
There are two basic forms of training that indicates one’s strength and help him to remain fit.
* Walking/Running
If you can go 1 mile within 15 minutes or less you’re absolutely fine.
More than 15 minutes for a mile, is a sign that you’re not fast enough to be called fit.
* Pushups
Performing 15-20 pushups at a time in a row is the ideal exercise that shows you’re enough strong and if repeated regularly can keep you fit.

6) Bowel movement
It is last stop of the movement of food through your digestive system, where your faece is discharged.
If your bowel movement frequency is normal and being done at the same time daily, it means you’ve no digestive issue.

7) Waking up routine
Do you know? If not, this would be quite surprising for you that our ability to wake up at same time automatically daily is significance of our good health.
And the people, who can’t wake up on the time he/she intends to get up without an alarm, are usually more likely to lazy people.

8) 10 pounds of your ideal body weight
Healthy male adult aged 20-40 should have at least 8%-19% body fat and above 40 must between 11%-22% range.

9) Good Memory
Being fit is not only about physical fitness it also demands good memory.
A person would be declared wise when his memorizing power works for him at right time.
LIKE: On asking of the doctor, she just remembered the date of her last appointment with her.

10) Wound heals quickly
Although humans are not supernatural being shown in films like vampire or wolverine those have super healing abilities, they still have the power of healing.
Evidently, a person whose wounds heal on time is healthier than the person recovers late.

Note: If you stand on all above points than you can be sure about your good health condition and no need to worry about it anymore. Moreover I assure that you’re fit undoubtedly but you can be better by health training and medical checkup routine.

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