Nature Of The People

(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Islamabad)

First of all I thanks almighty ALLAH is beneficent and mercy. God has created man from soil. God creates all his creatures and connect with pair’s i.e man & women. Therefore, they live with peace and happy. God has given knowledge to human being. However, God has decided to audition for human being. Whoever will follow the instruction of God will give better result in external (paradise) and internal (existing) world. Whoever not follows the instructions of God will alter goes to dimension (Azab).

All the people are very innocent by their nature. However, when the parents are growing their children enlightenment there is important to teach what is wrong and what is right. They build nature and his moral character. Some teachers and parents do not take interest to build students/children’s character. There is time to improve before when they become young. Thus, the nature is one time establishing, we do change the nature. When will the nature determine we do not change? No, therefore, man is mortal. God will forgiveness their sins while they do the wrong thing. In the opposite case, the human does not forgive their common misconduct when did commit or act unfortunately.

If we take example at pious man life. We thank that he does live simple life. He nature is very simple. He helps the people poor. Those people live peaceful and preach to live peace and happiness. In spite of, whoever do the bad things and teasing others. They do not live peaceful. In this way, we take example women nature. They are different types of women some are pious and she does virtue. Some they do teasing other neighbors. She like different ways of life e.g; fashion.

If we see that every Childs are innocent by Nature. In spite of, we see their talking behavior or writing comments whichever of gives. Although some desire to know about man. They must be journey whereas he wants to go. In the journey, we realize that he share all his comments by and large. He tells us true. The next is checking his writing whereas he writes the letters their friends. These illustrate by us his nature. Nevertheless, we ask some question by hierarchy what about known of human nature. If we thank his answer up to our standard, we accept; otherwise; deny. Now, we should fiercely focus pinpoint about human nature. By and large, we accomplish comprehensive note about human nature.

In the end, I am sharing some experiment about human nature. We see the animals in the zoo. If someone kicks or hits animals, these actions are not good for them. Its mean habit of angriness is not good for animals and human. We change the habit of people with love and affectionate. In spite of all this, we should revolt own habits and activities.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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