Surah Ikhlas with English Translation
Surah Ikhlas is the 112th chapter of Quran with 4 no of verses and it is present in the 30th Para of Quran-e-Pak. The word Ikhlas means to have faith in ones of ALLAH and upon his Unity, the central theme of this Surah is basically over the concept of monotheism. Surah Iklhas is regarded as one of the most recited Surahs by Muslims all over the world.
Surah Ikhlas Benefits - It has multiple benefits like a person who recites Surah regularly Allah will increase his/her wisdom and provide success in life, whoever so recites it daily Allah will protect them all the diseases, if Surah is recited by a person on daily basis Allah will eliminate poverty from their lives, whoever constantly recites Surah Ikhlas in their prayers Allah will reward him/her in Duniya and as well as forgives him/her in hereafter and etc.
Therefore, it is very much essential to recite and memorize Surah on a daily basis in order to attain various benefits and rewards from Allah Subhana-Hu-Wa-Tala. However, if we want to understand the Surah we should need the translation of Surah.
English language is regarded as an international language and this is the beauty of Islam that we have English native believers who have one common language that is English. Therefore, if you are an English native or either you just want to read or listen Surah Ikhlas with English Translation for increasing your knowledge you may simply access The option of Surah with Urdu Translation is also available on the website.
From this page you can also listen the audio of Surah Ikhlas with English Translation in soulful voices of Ullema and also download in MP3 version. It means that the page not only caters reciting facility but also provide listening facility. Lastly, you can also access the whole tafseer of Surah Ikhlas with English Translation from this page and with ease and comfort you can understand the meaning of the Surah.