Bahawalpur Ramadan Timing 2025 (Today Sehri & Iftar Time Calendar)
Ramadan Calendar 2025 Bahawalpur is all about Bahawalpur Ramadan time including today Sehri Time at 04:51 and iftar time at 6:29 . Today, on Tuesday 25 Mar, 2025 is 24 Ramadan 1446 of the islamic month.
There is a few minutes difference in Fiqa Jafria Sehr o Iftar Time in Bahawalpur which is as follows Shia Sehri Time: 04:41 and Iftar Time: 06:39.
However, there are different variations of this name. It is called Ramadan in Arabic and other pronunciations are also common in different parts of the world like Ramzan, Ramazan, Ramadhan, and Ramathan. The Islamic calendar is usually ten to twelve days shorter than the Georgian calendar and Iftar time in Bahawalpur varies each year. It is a reason that a large number of people utilize the Ramadan calendar 2025 Bahawalpur to check Roza or Iftar time and Bahawalpur Sehri time.
The Muslim population living in Bahawalpur can remain updated with the Ramadan Calendar 2025 Bahawalpur and can analyze the number of fasting hours. Besides Sehri or Suhoor and Iftar time in Bahawalpur today, you can also view prayer timings, Qibla direction, and other information about Bahawalpur on other pages.
A Month of Spiritual Happiness: Ramadan in Bahawalpur
Ramadan was not sent by Allah to imprison and chain you; it is a divine gift that is meant to inspire and change you. Ramadan turns Bahawalpur into a center of community bonding, devotion, and spirituality. Every element of this sacred month from pre-dawn meals to evening prayers attests to its importance.
Sehri Time in Bahawalpur: Honored Early Start of Day
Sehri time Bahawalpur, the pre-dawn meal. Rising early to cook and consume meals like parathas, curd, and dates help families have the energy to fast all day. The quiet of the early morning hours together with the beautiful call to Fajr prayer produce a really spiritual ambiance.
Important Elements That Transform Ramadan Beautiful
Bahawalpur's Ramadan is meant to facilitate harmony, self-discipline, and compassion as well as fasting. Shared sehri and iftar meals help to strengthen family ties even as acts of generosity and charity contribute to a community feeling. The vivid mosques and calm environment only add to the spiritual beauty of this month.
One can sincerely cherish Ramadan's gifts in Bahawalpur and enable it to be a rather spiritually transforming Sehri time Bahawalpur by making prayer, charity, and reflection first.
Zikr and Azkar: Strengthening one's Connection with God
- Frequently say Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) to thank and honor Allah (SWT).
- Express thank for His gifts by saying "Alhamdulillah" (All praise is for Allah&).
- To show Allah's greatness, repeat "Allahu Akbar".
- Seek forgiveness by repeating “Astaghfirullah" to ask for forgiveness.
- Recite Darood Sharif three hundred times to offer Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) thanks.
- For spiritual growth, set aside time to read and meditate on the Quran at Sehri time Bahawalpur.
- Carry prayer beads throughout the day to help you to focus on dhikr constantly.
- Sincerely offer dua (supplication) asking God for direction, kindness, and benefits.
When Bahawalpur Ramadan Time 2025 is expected?
Ramadan starts in Bahawalpur 2025 is expected to take place on the evening of Saturday, March 1st. Subsequently, the first day of fasting is anticipated to occur on Sunday, March 2nd.
What is today's Sehri and Iftar timing in Bahawalpur as per Fiqh Hanafi?
Today Sehri time in Bahawalpur is 04:51 am and Iftar time in Bahawalpur as per Fiqa Hanafi is 6:29 pm as on 25 March 2025.
What is today's Sehri and Iftar timing in Bahawalpur as per Fiqh Jafria?
Today Sehri time in Bahawalpur is 04:51 am and Iftar time in Bahawalpur as per Fiqa Jafria is 6:29 pm as on 25 March 2025.
What is Bahawalpur Ramadan Sehri and Iftar time today?
Today Sehri and Iftar times in Bahawalpur are as follows:
- Today Sehri time in Bahawalpur is 04:51 am
- Today Iftar time in Bahawalpur is 6:29 pm
Bahawalpur Sehri End Time?
Today 25 Mar, 2025 Bahawalpur Sehri End Time is 04:51 .
How Long Fasting Time Today?
Today fasting time in Bahawalpur is around 13 hours 38 minutes.
Bahawalpur Fasting Start and End Time
Today 25 Mar, 2025 Sehri time ends at 04:51 and Iftar time starts at 6:29 .
Ramadan 2025 Bahawalpur Start and End Date
This year Ramadan in Bahawalpur is expected to start on 1 March and ends on 30 March 2025.