Girona Prayer Times

Today Mar 24, 2025 prayer times Girona are Fajr Time 5:11 AM, Dhuhr Time 12:55 PM, Asr Time 4:23 PM, Maghrib Time 7:06 PM & Isha Time 8:34 PM. Today's namaz timings Girona are based on the Islamic date of 24 Ramadan 1446. Schedule for 30 days of salah time calendar and azan time in Girona with prayer calculation method available for the convenience of all Muslims according to their preference.

Prayer Time in Girona, Spain

Fajr5:11 AM Sunrise6:45 AM Dhuhr12:55 PM Asr 4:23 PM Maghrib7:06 PM Isha8:34 PM
Based on: Muslim World League (MWL) | Shafii change

Please recheck the time from your local Masjid & Authority
Girona Sehri & Iftar Time

Next 30 Days Girona Prayer Times

Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Mar 24 5:11 AM 6:45 AM 12:55 PM 4:23 PM 7:06 PM 8:34 PM
Mar 25 5:09 AM 6:43 AM 12:55 PM 4:24 PM 7:07 PM 8:36 PM
Mar 26 5:07 AM 6:42 AM 12:54 PM 4:24 PM 7:08 PM 8:37 PM
Mar 27 5:05 AM 6:40 AM 12:54 PM 4:25 PM 7:09 PM 8:38 PM
Mar 28 5:03 AM 6:38 AM 12:54 PM 4:25 PM 7:10 PM 8:40 PM
Mar 29 5:01 AM 6:36 AM 12:53 PM 4:26 PM 7:11 PM 8:41 PM
Mar 30 5:59 AM 7:35 AM 1:53 PM 5:26 PM 8:12 PM 9:42 PM
Mar 31 5:57 AM 7:33 AM 1:53 PM 5:27 PM 8:13 PM 9:43 PM
Apr 01 5:55 AM 7:31 AM 1:53 PM 5:27 PM 8:14 PM 9:45 PM
Apr 02 5:53 AM 7:30 AM 1:52 PM 5:28 PM 8:16 PM 9:46 PM
Apr 03 5:51 AM 7:28 AM 1:52 PM 5:28 PM 8:17 PM 9:48 PM
Apr 04 5:49 AM 7:26 AM 1:52 PM 5:29 PM 8:18 PM 9:49 PM
Apr 05 5:47 AM 7:25 AM 1:51 PM 5:29 PM 8:19 PM 9:50 PM
Apr 06 5:45 AM 7:23 AM 1:51 PM 5:30 PM 8:20 PM 9:52 PM
Apr 07 5:43 AM 7:21 AM 1:51 PM 5:30 PM 8:21 PM 9:53 PM
Apr 08 5:41 AM 7:20 AM 1:51 PM 5:30 PM 8:22 PM 9:54 PM
Apr 09 5:39 AM 7:18 AM 1:50 PM 5:31 PM 8:23 PM 9:56 PM
Apr 10 5:37 AM 7:16 AM 1:50 PM 5:31 PM 8:24 PM 9:57 PM
Apr 11 5:35 AM 7:15 AM 1:50 PM 5:32 PM 8:26 PM 9:59 PM
Apr 12 5:33 AM 7:13 AM 1:49 PM 5:32 PM 8:27 PM 10:00 PM
Apr 13 5:31 AM 7:11 AM 1:49 PM 5:32 PM 8:28 PM 10:02 PM
Apr 14 5:29 AM 7:10 AM 1:49 PM 5:33 PM 8:29 PM 10:03 PM
Apr 15 5:27 AM 7:08 AM 1:49 PM 5:33 PM 8:30 PM 10:05 PM
Apr 16 5:25 AM 7:07 AM 1:48 PM 5:34 PM 8:31 PM 10:06 PM
Apr 17 5:23 AM 7:05 AM 1:48 PM 5:34 PM 8:32 PM 10:08 PM
Apr 18 5:22 AM 7:03 AM 1:48 PM 5:34 PM 8:33 PM 10:09 PM
Apr 19 5:20 AM 7:02 AM 1:48 PM 5:35 PM 8:34 PM 10:11 PM
Apr 20 5:18 AM 7:00 AM 1:48 PM 5:35 PM 8:35 PM 10:12 PM
Apr 21 5:16 AM 6:59 AM 1:47 PM 5:35 PM 8:37 PM 10:14 PM

* All Timings are Beginning Times print Print

Calculation Methods Latitude /  Longitude: Juristic Methods
Muslim World League (MWL) 41.9844 / 2.8211 Shafii (Method & Fiqah)
Change Setting

Today Prayer Times Girona, Spain

Today 24 Mar, 2025, Girona Namaz Timings are Fajr 5:11 AM, Dhuhr 12:55 PM, Asr 4:23 PM, Maghrib 7:06 PM & Isha 8:34 PM.

The city azan, salat schedule & 7 days time table is also provided. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Girona, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Girona, Maghrib Girona prayer times & Isha Girona Namaz timing are available. Today's 24 Ramadan 1446 Girona namaz timing with next 7 days Schedule from 24 Mar, 2025 to 30 Mar, 2025 with customizable prayer time calculation methods to calculate the proper time for your prayer. On other hand, you may also read Girona zawal time updates with complete start and end time details.

Today Girona Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Girona is 6:45 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Girona is 5:11 AM. Along with Girona Prayers times you can also read the Girona Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Girona Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Jafria (shia).

Prayer Timing Customization
By using this option you can change or adjust timing according to your country's prayer calculation methods. These timings are available for all Sunni schools of thought including Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali.

You may also find here makrooh time updates including Girona zawal time with complete details start and end time.

Girona Sun Set time that is also called Iftar Time in Girona is 7:07 PM and Dawn break Time that is also end of Sehri Time in Girona at 5:10 AM. Sehri and Iftar time is also called Ramadan Time during the month of Ramadan.

GIRONA Prayer Timing - Girona, a city in northeastern Spain situated next to the River Onyar which covering39.4 km2 total area of land. It's the capital of province Girona (same name) which is famous for tourism of old historical monuments like a cathedral, old fortifications, Sant Feliu, Jewish heritage and many others. Muslims also come for tourism, so the local prayer timing is also crucial for them.

According to the latest statistics, the total population of this city is 749,656. However, more than 90% of the total population follows the religion of Christianity but only 4% of the whole practice Islam so Muslims here considered as the minority. When talking about prayer times, the resident Muslims and tourists in the city are allowed to perform namaz on the accurate timings. To cater to the prayer needs of the Islamic community and Muslims, several mosques have been established in the nearby areas so they cannot just offer prayers but can also take advantage of facilities provided by these mosques or community centers.

Which are the Famous Mosques of Girona?
As there is no specific mosque are built-in city so here mentioned Mosques are those which are situated in the nearest city or in the province of Girona. Some famous mosques are mentioned below.

1. Mezquita de Salt
When talking about Girona prayer timing, Mezquita de Salt mosque caters to the prayer needs of local Muslims, as this Mosque has a capacity of 750 people so they can perform prayer at one time. It’s the center of Islamic activities for the Muslim lives nearby and except five times prayer and Jumma prayer many activities like seminars, workshop, and dialogues related to the Islamic topic which arranged by the management of Mosque.

2. Centro Islamico Imam Malik
The Centro Islamico Imam Malik is also one of the largest Mosques in Salt Spain which is not the only Mosque that acts on Girona prayer timings but also serves as the Islamic center for the Muslim population living in locality and nearby. With the 5 time prayers and Jumma Prayers, its management also arranges programs like Islamic debates, Dars and many other Islamic programs. They also serve as the main center to spreads the Islamic education in the local Muslim community.

3. Mesquita Bilal Girona
Mesquita Bilal Girona is located in Girona Spain which plays a key role in giving Islamic education to the local Muslim community; and also shows its part in the spreading of Islam at the local level. The resident Muslim used to pray all 5 times prayers and Jumma prayer as per the Girona prayer timing. Except performing Namaz management of Mosque also organized Islamic gatherings to guide the Muslims about the true direction of Islam.

Girona Prayer Times Today

Prayer Time in Girona for Monday 24 Mar 2025 are:

  • Fajr Time in Girona: 5:11 AM
  • Zuhr Time in Girona: 12:55 PM
  • Asr Time in Girona: 4:23 PM
  • Maghrib Time in Girona: 7:06 PM
  • Isha Time in Girona: 8:34 PM

Q: What is Fajr time in Girona?

A: Fajr start time in Girona is at 5:11 AM and end time is 6:45 AM. Fajr consists of 4 Rakats as 2 Farz and 2 Sunnah.

Q: What time is Ishraq in Girona?

A: Ishraq Namaz Timing in Girona today starts at 07:00 AM and the end time is 09:50 AM.

Q: What is Zuhr Time in Girona?

A: Zuhr starting time in Girona is at 12:55 PM and the ending time is 4:23 PM. Zuhr Salah consists of 12 Rakat, including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 nafl.

Q: What is Asr time in Girona?

A: Today Asr prayer start time in Girona is 4:23 PM, and it ends at 7:06 PM. It's an afternoon prayer consisting of 8 Rakat: 4 Sunnat and 4 Farz.

Q: What time is Maghrib in Girona?

A: Maghrib start time in Girona is at 7:06 PM, and the maghrib time end is 8:34 PM. It's a sunset prayer consisting of 7 Rakat: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnat, and 2 Nafl.

Q: What is Isha Time in Girona?

A: Today Isha Namaz time Girona starts at 8:34 PM and ends time at 5:11 AM. It's a night prayer consisting of 17 Rakat: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.

Comments: Girona Prayer Times

This website is a perfect portal for Muslims living in Girona as they can easily check the prayer time.

  • Naseem, Girona

It is very problematic to offer prayer in time. When i visit here so i got the right timings of every prayer and give you the authentic service of getting the schedule of Girona City

  • Hashir, Girona

I am new in the Girona city and when I was come in new so I had very difficult to remembering the Namaz timing so I found this site for remembering Girona city prayers timing

  • Dilshad, Girona

I get the best prayer timing schedule from here related to the Girona city which I definitely need here and this is really good for me to have it here..we easily get to know that with the whole correct information

  • Akhtar, Girona

For this page I can easily everywhere I don’t have to need that there is Mosque available or not I can pray with the prayers timing of Girona city

  • Faizan, Girona