Jami at Tirmidhi 2601

Hadith on Hellfire of Jami at Tirmidhi 2601 is about The Book On The Description Of Hellfire as written by Imam Abu Isa Muhammad at-Tirmizi. The original Hadith is written in Arabic and translated in English and Urdu. The chapter The Book On The Description Of Hellfire has thirty-three as total Hadith on this topic.

Jami at Tirmidhi 2601

Chapter 40 The Book On The Description Of Hellfire
Book Jami at Tirmidhi
Hadith No 2601
Baab Hudood Aur Tazeerat Ka Bayan
  • URDU

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: I have not seen the likes of the Fire in which the one who runs from it sleeps, nor the likes of Paradise in which the one who seeks it sleeps.

حَدَّثَنَا سُوَيْدٌ بْنُ نَصْرٍ، أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ الْمُبَارَكِ، عَنْ يَحْيَى بْنِ عُبَيْدِ اللَّهِ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:‏‏‏‏ مَا رَأَيْتُ مِثْلَ النَّارِ نَامَ هَارِبُهَا، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَلَا مِثْلَ الْجَنَّةِ نَامَ طَالِبُهَا ،‏‏‏‏ قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى:‏‏‏‏ هَذَا حَدِيثٌ إِنَّمَا نَعْرِفُهُ مِنْ حَدِيثِ يَحْيَى بْنِ عُبَيْدِ اللَّهِ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَيَحْيَى بْنُ عُبَيْدِ اللَّهِ ضَعِيفٌ عِنْدَ أَكْثَرِ أَهْلِ الْحَدِيثِ تَكَلَّمَ فِيهِ شُعْبَةُ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَيَحْيَى بْنُ عُبَيْدِ اللَّهِ هُوَ ابْنُ مَوْهَبٍ وَهُوَ مَدَنِيٌّ.

ابوہریرہ رضی الله عنہ کہتے ہیں کہ   رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: ”میں نے جہنم جیسی کوئی چیز نہیں دیکھی جس سے بھاگنے والے سو رہے ہیں اور جنت جیسی کوئی چیز نہیں دیکھی جس کے طلب کرنے والے سو رہے ہیں“۔ امام ترمذی کہتے ہیں: اس کو ہم صرف یحییٰ بن عبیداللہ کی سند سے جانتے ہیں اور یحییٰ بن عبیداللہ اکثر محدثین کے نزدیک ضعیف ہیں، ان کے بارے میں شعبہ نے کلام کیا ہے۔ یحییٰ بن عبیداللہ کے دادا کا نام موہب ہے اور وہ مدنی ہیں۔

Jami at Tirmidhi 2602

Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger Of Allah (s.a.w) said: I looked into Paradise and I saw that the most of its people were the poor; and I looked into the Fire and I saw that most of its people were women. ..

Jami at Tirmidhi 2603

Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger Of Allah (s.a.w) said: I looked into the Fire and I saw that most of its people are women, and I looked into Paradise and I saw that most of its people were the poor. ..

Jami at Tirmidhi 2604

An-Numan bin Bashir narrated that the Messenger Of Allah (s.a.w) said: Indeed the person among the inhabitants of the Fire punished least [on the Day of Judgment] is a man who has two coals beneath his feet, which cause his brain to boil. ..

Jami at Tirmidhi 2605

Harithah bin Wahb Al-Khuzai narrated that the Messenger Of Allah (s.a.w) said: Should I not inform you about the people of Paradise: They are every humble and weak person, who if he were to make an Oath by Allah, He would fulfill it. Should I..

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