Sunan An Nasai 4847

Hadith on Oaths and Retaliation of Sunan An Nasai 4847 is about The Book Of Oaths (Qasamah), Retaliation And Blood Money as written by Imam An-Nasai. The original hadees is in Arabic, with translations in Urdu and English. This chapter, "The Book Of Oaths (Qasamah), Retaliation And Blood Money," includes a total of one hundred and sixty-four hadiths on the subject. Below is the complete hadees of Sunan An Nasai 4847.

Sunan An Nasai 4847

Chapter 46 The Book Of Oaths (Qasamah), Retaliation And Blood Money
Book Sunan An Nasai
Hadith No 4847
Baab Qasama, Qasas Aur Diyat Ke Ehkaam O Masail
  • URDU

It was narrated fromabu MUsa that the Prophet said: For fingers (the Diyah is ) ten (camels) each.

أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْأَشْعَثِ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ حَدَّثَنَا خَالِدٌ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ سَعِيدٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ قَتَادَةَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ مَسْرُوقِ بْنِ أَوْسٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ أَبِي مُوسَى، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ فِي الْأَصَابِعِ عَشْرٌ عَشْرٌ .

ابوموسیٰ اشعری رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ   نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: ”انگلیوں میں دیت دس دس اونٹ ہیں“۔

Sunan An Nasai 4848

It was narrated from Abu Musa Al-Asha'ari that the Prophet of Allah said: Fingers are the same, (the Diyah is) ten (camel). ..

Sunan An Nasai 4849

It was narrated that Abu Musa said: The Messenger of Allah ruled that the fingers are the same and (the Diyah is ) ten camels for each. ..

Sunan An Nasai 4850

It was narrated from Sa'eed bin al-Musayyab that: when the letter was found that was with the family of 'Amr bin Hazm, which they said the Messenger of Allah had written to them, they found in it, with regard to fingers, that the Diyahwas ten..

Sunan An Nasai 4851

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas that the Propher said: this and this are the same, : meaning the little finger and the thumb. ..

Sunan An Nasai 4852

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas: This and this are the same: The little finger and the thumb (sahih) ..

Sunan An Nasai 4853

It was narrated that Ibn 'abbas said: The (Diyah for) fingers are ten each. ..

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