Sunan An Nasai 610

Hadith on Times Of Prayer of Sunan An Nasai 610 is about The Book Of The Times (Of Prayer) as written by Imam An-Nasai. The original hadees is in Arabic, with translations in Urdu and English. This chapter, "The Book Of The Times (Of Prayer)," includes a total of one hundred and thirty-two hadiths on the subject. Below is the complete hadees of Sunan An Nasai 610.

Sunan An Nasai 610

Chapter 6 The Book Of The Times (Of Prayer)
Book Sunan An Nasai
Hadith No 610
Baab Auqat E Namaz Ke Ehkaam O Masail
  • URDU

It was narrated from Usamah bin Zaid, whom the Prophet (ﷺ) had seated behind him on his camel on the way from 'Arafah, that when he reached the mountain pass, he dismounted and urinated - and he did not say that he passed water. He (Usamah) said: I poured water for him from a small vessel and he performed a light Wudu'. I said to him: 'The prayer.' He said: 'The prayer is still ahead of you.' When he came to Al-Muzdalifah he prayed Maghrib, then they untied the saddles of their mounts and then he prayed 'Isha'.

أَخْبَرَنَا الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ حُرَيْثٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قال:‏‏‏‏ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ بْنِ عُقْبَةَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَمُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَبِي حَرْمَلَةَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ كُرَيْبٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ أُسَامَةَ بْنِ زَيْدٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَكَانَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَرْدَفَهُ مِنْ عَرَفَةَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَلَمَّا أَتَى الشِّعْبَ نَزَلَ فَبَالَ وَلَمْ يَقُلْ أَهْرَاقَ الْمَاءَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ فَصَبَبْتُ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ إِدَاوَةٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَتَوَضَّأَ وُضُوءًا خَفِيفًا، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَقُلْتُ لَهُ:‏‏‏‏ الصَّلَاةَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَقَالَ:‏‏‏‏ الصَّلَاةُ أَمَامَكَ فَلَمَّا أَتَى الْمُزْدَلِفَةَ صَلَّى الْمَغْرِبَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏ثُمَّ نَزَعُوا رِحَالَهُمْ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏ثُمَّ صَلَّى الْعِشَاءَ .

اسامہ بن زید رضی اللہ عنہما سے روایت ہے کہ   ۔ ( انہیں نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے عرفہ میں سواری پر پیچھے بٹھا لیا تھا )  تو جب آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم گھاٹی پر آئے تو اترے، اور پیشاب کیا،  ( انہوں نے لفظ «بَالَ» کہا «أهراق الماء» نہیں کہا ۱؎ )  تو میں نے برتن سے آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر پانی ڈالا، آپ نے ہلکا پھلکا وضو کیا، میں نے آپ سے عرض کیا: نماز پڑھ لیجئیے، تو آپ نے فرمایا: نماز تمہارے آگے ہے، جب آپ مزدلفہ پہنچے تو مغرب پڑھی، پھر لوگوں نے اپنی سواریوں سے کجاوے اتارے، پھر آپ نے عشاء پڑھی۔

Sunan An Nasai 611

Al-Walid bin Al'Ayzar said: I heard Abu 'Amr Ash-Shaibani say: 'The owner of this house - and he pointed to the house of 'Abdullah - said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): 'Which deed is most beloved to Allah, may He be exalted?' He said:..

Sunan An Nasai 612

It was narrated that 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) which action is most beloved to Allah? He said: 'Establishing prayer on time, honoring one's parents and Jihad in the cause of Allah.' ..

Sunan An Nasai 613

It was narrated from Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Al-Muntashir that his father was in the Masjid of 'Amr bin Shurahbil and the Iqamah for prayer was said, so they were waiting for him. He said: I was praying Witr, and 'Abdullah was asked: 'Is there..

Sunan An Nasai 614

It was narrated that Anas said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Whoever forgets a prayer, let him pray it when he remembers it. ..

Sunan An Nasai 615

It was narrated that Anas said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was asked about a man who slept and missed the prayer, or forgot it. He said: 'The expiation for that is to pray it when he remembers it.' ..

Sunan An Nasai 616

It was narrated that Abu Qatadah said: They told the Prophet (ﷺ) that they had slept and missed the prayer. He said: 'There is no negligence when one sleeps, rather negligence is when one is awake. If any one of you forgets a prayer or sleeps and..

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