Sunan An Nasai in Urdu
Sunan An Nasai is regarded as an important source of hadith. It is included among the key books of hadiths. Hadiths present in the book are collected and compiled by Imam An-Nasai. He did a great effort and travelled several countries to collect hadiths. In total, he gathered over 5,000 hadiths.
Significance of Sunan An Nasai in Urdu translation can never be undermined. As this hadith collection has a great significance among Islamic literature books, the translation has been made in different languages including the Sunan An Nasai in Urdu translation. The book is divided into over 50 chapters related to different topics. The translated version not just gives the reader a detailed insight about different hadiths present in a book, but also assists him to understand different topics. Urdu is among the popular languages in the world and there are different native and non-native speakers who can understand this language. However, with the Sunan An Nasai translation in Urdu they can get the true meaning and understanding of different Islamic topics.
This page is a perfect place for you to get the complete Sunan An Nasai with Urdu translation. You can check the Urdu names of all chapters and also the English names. Another great thing is that you can easily sort out the hadiths as per the required section. Translation of The Book of the Qiblah, The Book of Hajj, The Book of Salah, The Book of Fasting, and others will give you authentic hadiths with their translation.
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