I truly like that your website allows users to switch between Hijri and Gregorian time zones with only a few clicks, as well as sync Hijri dates with conventional calendar dates.
To observe fasting I desire to know the islamic calender to keep fasting for various purposes.Yearly fasting are emphasized in islam with special days in first half of zulhijjah,shawwal and muharram and white days of every month
Fasting during the month of Rajab is believed to be beneficial. Some of these benefits include Increased spiritual awareness and closeness to God for the first 3 Roza of Rajab.
Through the Hijri calendar, Allah (swt) teaches us that the struggle between truth and evil is eternal. As Muslims, we are constantly fighting this battle as we sacrifice our pleasures and desires for the path to righteousness and Jannah.
In Canada, Eid ul Adha is expected on July 20. Me and my family members always utilize this website to get information about the Islamic calendar.
Canada is experiencing another Covid wave as of now, we are not sure how our Eid is going to be, but this site provides the relief of having correct information regarding the Islamic dates.
I really love this feature of your site, with just a few clicks, you can convert Hijri to Gregorian and Gregorian to Hijri and sync the Hijri dates with the regular calendar.